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 0    8 schede    jacekzalewski00
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the way the cookie crumbles
That's the way the cookie crumbles; I can't change it.
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describes a situation you cannot change and have to accept
take something with a grain of salt
You should always take what Henry says with a grain of salt; he never tells the full truth.
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podchodzić do czegoś z niedowierzaniem
have a lot on your plate
I don't have a lot on my plate today, so I can help you.
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mieć dużo na głowie, mieć dużo do roboty
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marynata, zalewa
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ogórek kiszony
be in a pickle
I'm in a bit of a pickle and need some help.
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być w tarapatach
in a nutshell
So in a nutshell, you need to move all the contents of your apartment in 24 hours.
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w w pigułce, jednym słowem, krótko mówiąc, w skrócie
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kruszyć się

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