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a dreary winter’s day a dreary film a long and dreary journey on the train
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that makes you feel sad; not bright or interesting
to boost
to boost exports/profits to boost productivity/spending The movie helped boost her screen career. to boost somebody’s confidence/morale
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boost something to make something increase, or become better or more successful
a concoction of cream and rum. He gave me some of his herbal concoction when I had toothache.
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a strange or unusual mixture of things, especially drinks or medicines
to brew
freshly brewed coffee
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brew something to make a hot drink of tea or coffee
his treaty is the centrepiece of the government's foreign policy. The water lily is obviously the centrepiece of any water garden.
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the most important item or A decoration for the centre of a table
He's highly susceptible to flattery. Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost damage than others. Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults. There are few known diseases which are not susceptible to medical treatment.
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susceptible (to something) very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by something
to stick around
we'll need you to help us later.
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(informal) to stay in a place, waiting for something to happen or for somebody to arrive
a joe
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a java
Get me a cup of java, will ya? I'm not starting my day without my morning java. We are running out of java.
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a coffee
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a dog
huge granite boulders underneath the cliff fallen rocks and boulders As the ice sheet rode over the land, huge boulders were ripped from the underlying rock.
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very large rock which has been shaped by water or the weather

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