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 0    18 schede    jacekzalewski00
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I'm a good conversationalist when comes to Polish
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I'm eloquent.
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I speak eloquently.
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Wiemy ze świata naszych idei
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We know from the world of our ideas/ We know from our world of ideas
dziedzina (np. wiedzy), zakres (np. możliwości), sfera (np. polityki)
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We know from the realm of thought and contemplation.
wymawiać (wypowiadać coś na głos)
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I didn't pronounce that clearly. Today we learnt how to pronounce words with "-ough" ending.
wymawiać, wypowiadać
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I didn't enunciate that clearly.
trudno mi coś robić
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I find it difficult to do anything
I find it difficult to speak English very fluently.
mam trudności z robieniem czegoś
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have trouble with something
They always have trouble with doing their homework.
Skończyłem farmację
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I graduated in pharmacy
Skończyłem wydział farmaceutyczny
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I graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy
Pracuję w przemyśle farmaceutycznym.
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I work in the pharmaceutical industry.
codzienne sprawy
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day to day things
We find it difficult to talk about general day to day things)
na chybił trafił
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at random
We don’t feel comfortable talking about things at random.
udowodnione przez wiele dowodów
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supported by a lot / a great deal of / a large amount of evidence
Evolution has been supported by a lot of evidence. Evolution has been supported by great deal of evidence. Evolution has been supported by a large amount of evidence.
Samo uprawianie sportu to cały zakres moich zainteresowań sportowych
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Just doing the sport is the entire range of my interest in sports

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