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 0    7 schede    karoladamczak
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Domanda Risposta
narażać się na
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expose yourself to
to experience something or be affected by something because you are in a particular situation or place
It was the first time I'd been exposed to violence.
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Want to accomplish sth very much
I dont have a problem with people who strive to be the greatness
przedsięwzięcie, usiłowanie
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human/artistic endeavour
Tell them that this endeavor is in their best interests.
rozkoszować się
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to enjoy something
I don't relish the thought of a twelve-hour flight.
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to say or do something more than once
Please don't repeat what I've just told you to anyone else.
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knock over
to hit someone with a vehicle and injure or kill them:
She got knocked over by a taxi as she ran for the bus.
przestawiać, przekładać
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rearranged, move
to change the order or position of things
I've rearranged the furniture.

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