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wybieg (na pokazach mody)
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a runway. a catwalk (brit.)
Models on a runway
pas startowy
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a runway
An airplane taking off from a runway
pióro wieczne
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a fountain pen
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na czworaka
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on all fours
He got down on all fours to play with his grandson. Before children learn to walk they creep on all fours.
z napędem na 4 koła
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four-wheel drive
On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really comes into its own. Can you drive this four-wheel truck?
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a poultry farmer. poultry breeding - hodowla drobiu
frakcja (chem.) (chemistry) A component of a mixture, separated by fractionation.
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the naphtha fraction.
ułamek, cząstka
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He received only a fraction of what he was owed. She paused for a fraction of a second.
o drobinę
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fractionally faster/higher/taller
mat. ułamkowy
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There has been a fractional rise in the price of the stock.
kruchość, wrażliwość
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fragility /fɹəˈd͡ʒɪlɪti/
fragility of bones. fragility of beauty/life
złamanie, pęknięcie. łamać, pękać
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open fracture - złamanie otwarte. He fractured his right leg during training. Their fragile happiness fractured all too soon. These problems may fracture the unity of the two parties.

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