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surowy w obyciu
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The mother was stern and disciplinary.
silny, mocny
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zadrapanie, drapnięcie
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talent do czegoś
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a knack for |næk|
He has a knack for getting into trouble.
nie kiwnąć palcem
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not lift a finger
I do all the work around the house — Frank never lifts a finger.
poważny (błąd, wypadek, przestępstwo), dotkliwy, bolesny
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I'm grievously sorry (o współczuciu)
zbyt, nazbyt
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all too
all too easy.
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a token of his esteem - znak szacunku
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humble humbly
I humbly accept this award. I humbly beg your pardon, my lord
byłbym zapomniał
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how forgetful of me
troska (problem)
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She has many cares
powierzać, powierzyć
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to entrust |ɪnˈtrʌst|
entrust with a task - powierzyć zadanie. entrust the children to the care of a baby-sitter. to entrust smb. with a secret
rozważny, rozsądny
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prudent |ˈpruːdnt|
prudent policy. It was more prudent to hide than to fight. He always listened to her prudent advice.
odeprzeć atak. odpierać atak
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to fight off
you thought off a wolf
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to spare |sper|
He spared no efforts to find her. Spare me the details... Derrick wanted to kill Richard but ultimately spared his life.
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a dollmaker
przebić, nadziać, przebóść
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skewer, pierce
who were you hoping to skewer with Needle?
przywlec, zaciągnąć
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to drag
she was dragged before king. He dragged the big suitcase behind him
chata, chałupa
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a hut
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to smother |ˈsmʌðər|
He tried to smother her with a pillow.
dusić (gotować)
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to smother |ˈsmʌðər|
beefsteak smothered with onions

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