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składać (ubrania)
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to fold
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a stalk
a stalk of wheat, rye, or oats
śluby, przysięga
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a vow
The old hermit, up in the mountains, took a vow of silence.
cokolwiek, i takie tam, i co tam jeszcze
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Put your bags, cases or whatnot in the boot.
z góry, przed terminem
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Ahead of time
i want to thank you ahead of time. Can you tell me ahead of time if you're coming?
walczyć, stawiać się
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to battle
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zagrożenie, niebezpieczeństwo
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a peril
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a sack
tobołek, zawiniątko
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a bundle
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a cripple
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to piss off
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wail wailing
She wailed that the vacation was ruined. A saxophone wailed in the background.
umyć od góry do dołu
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to wash down
You must wash the wall down well before painting
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to wash down
I had a nice beef sandwich washed down with a pint of bitter.
żegnaj A wish of happiness or safety at parting, especially a permanent departure
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farewell /fɑːɹˈwɛl/, /fæɹˈwɛl/
farewell to the holidays!
przypominać sobie
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to recall /ɹɪˈkɔːl/
I recall a few chances
książk. dziewucha, dziewoja, dziewczyna (zwłaszcza wiejska)
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a wench
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usurper /juˈsɜɹpə(ɹ)/

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