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skłonny do, mający skłonność inizia ad imparare
Man is prone to error. Some trees are prone to disease in an urban setting.
amer. wulg. burdel, dom publiczny inizia ad imparare
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Passover ends tomorrow at sundown.
wydawać ucztę. (transitive) To hold a feast in honor of (someone). inizia ad imparare
We feasted them after the victory.
o tym że ktoś/coś ma czymś zostać. przyszły inizia ad imparare
this is our bride-to-be. a writer to-be. to-be biologists. a wide selection of articles for the mother to-be
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touch it, feel the fabric
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Stand up straight and don't slouch!
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punctuality |ˌpʌŋktʃuːˈælətɪ| punctual
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Who shall pull this sword from the stone is rightful king of England
wołać o coś, bardzo potrzebować czegoś inizia ad imparare
they cry out for their true king
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do you take me for a fool?
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zasługa, dokonanie, osiągnięcie inizia ad imparare
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ponury, złowieszczy, paskudny inizia ad imparare
Life was grim in many northern industrial towns. – Wanna see the dead rat I found in my fridge? – Mate, that is grim!
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a room filled with stale smoke
oklepany, już nieaktualny, nie mający pierwotnej mocy inizia ad imparare
a stale joke. a stale cheque
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(transitive) To escape from. (intransitive) To run away; to escape. inizia ad imparare
she's fled the capital. Thousands of people moved northward trying to flee the drought. The prisoner tried to flee, but was caught by the guards.
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