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Domanda Risposta
dzikus, brutal
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a savage
dzikie zwierzę
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a wildling
ściąć (głowę)
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they will behead you as a deserter
To continue an action
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to go on
I think I've said enough now; I'm not sure I should go on.
szycie (wiele szwów)
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a guardsman
złożyć przysięgę
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to swear an oath. swore
złamać przysięgę
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to break an oath
odwracać wzrok
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to look away
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a warden
wydać wyrok
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to pass a sentence
Judges no longer have the power to pass the death sentence.
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a freak
freak of nature
słuchać rozkazów
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to take orders
It is humiliating to take orders from him.
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a pup /pʌp/
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a litter
The runt of the litter is a puppy that is the smallest or weakest among the newborn dogs in a litter.
być zauważalnym To be visible; to be seen; to appear
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to show
Your grief is showing. You worry to much. It's starting to show
obyć się bez
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to do without
that's an honor I can do without. I can do without your advice.
w każdym razie, tak czy owak, tak czy inaczej
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in any case
To be determined to do or achieve something
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to be set on sth
why is she so dead set on us to getting pretty for the king?
(slang, vulgar) The penis
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to stab
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a crypt
oddać szacunek, złożyć hołd
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to pay respect. to pay one's respects
The body of the dead leader reposed in the cathedral for the people to pay their respects.

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