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dogadywać się, być w dobrych stosunkach
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to get along
I wish the kids would get along better. She never did get along with her brother.
(intransitive) To exit or depart; to run away.
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to make off
As soon as he saw me, he turned around and made off down the road. The robbers made off before the police arrived.
przypilnować coś, zająć się, dopilnować czegoś. присматривать за; распорядиться; заботиться о
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to see to
I'll see to it personally. Mark, please see to Mrs. Landingham and make sure she has everything she needs. This problem is unsolved yet – could you see to it? After seeing to the shopping, cleaning and cooking, he finally sat down for some rest.
zbadać, zorientować się w czymś, przestudiować. To investigate or try to get more information about something,
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to look into
I'll look into it and see what I can find out. Police are looking into reports that he embezzled money. If you are buying a new car, you might want to look into getting a hybrid or other high-efficiency vehicle.

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