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Cieszę się, że cię widzę.
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I am glad to see you.
to chcę zrobić
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this is wanna do
gdzie to jest
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where it is
gdzie jestem
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where am I
gdzie moge wymienic pieniadze
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where can I exchange money
gdzie mige wynajac samochod
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where can i rent a car
gdzie moge kupic bilet
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where can I buy a ticket
ile kosztuje bilet
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how much is the ticket
chce jechac do centrum
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I want to go to the center
ile kosztuje taxi do centrum
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how much is a taxi to the center
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a thing
niewiem jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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I don't know what it's called in English
chcialabym to kupuc ale niewiem jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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I'd like to buy it but I don't know what it's called in English
moze mi pan powiedziec jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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can you tell me what it is called in english
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moze pan to powiedziec jeszcze raz
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can you say it again
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nie masz sie czym martwic
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you have nothing to worry about
ile kosztuje taksowka do centrum
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how much is a taxi to the center
jak to sie nazywa
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how is it called
jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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how is it in English
jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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how is it in English
niewiem jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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I don't know what it's called in English
moze mi oan powiedziec jak to sie nazywa po angielsku
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can you tell me what it is called in english
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moze pan piwiedziec jeszcze raz
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can you say it again
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ile to kosztuje
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how much it costs
ile kosztuje kilogram jablek
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how much is a kilo of apples
poprosze jednego banana
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one banana, please
poprosze kilogram jablek
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a kilo of apples, please
poprosze 2 kilo jablek
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2 kilos of apples, please
ile place
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how much do I pay
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nie znam jej nazwy po angielsku
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i dont know its name in english
teraz rozumiem
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now i understand
ile to kosztuje
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how much is it
chce to kupic ale to jest za drogie
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I want to buy it but it's too expensive
czy ma pan znaczki
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do you have any stamps?
moge zaplacic
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I can pay

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