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have a strict goal
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have a strict goal
does it pose any inconveniences?
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does it pose any inconveniences?
to complete some tasks in the evening
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to complete some tasks in the evening
100 percent myself
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100 percent myself
My situation is different
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My situation is different
every Tuesday
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every Tuesday
scrolling / flipping
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scrolling / flipping
much less focused
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much less focused
at the office
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at the office
to be careful not to work way overtime
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to be careful not to work way overtime
Jakub Borkowski
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Jakub Borkowski
creating products vs consulting difficults clients
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creating products vs consulting difficult clients
is an investment
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is an investment
keeping up with trends
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keeping up with trends
time zones
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time zones
how these campaigns work
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how these campaigns work
to help them understand
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to help them understand
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not feeling so confident
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not feeling so confident
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I am pursuing my post
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graduate studies
juggling many tasks at once
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juggling many tasks at once
spreading ourselves too thin
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spreading ourselves too thin
less is more
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less is more
two jobs
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two jobs
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10 things at the same
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10 things at the same
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this morning
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this morning
had to wake up
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had to wake up
wake me up
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wake me up
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substitute for sleep
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substitute for sleep
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how is your department innovative?
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how is your department innovative?
continues changing
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continues changing
google makes a lot of changes
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google makes a lot of changes
adjust and adapt to those changes
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adjust and adapt to those changes
quick on your feet
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quick on your feet
keep up to date
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keep up to date
Consumerism vs Happiness
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Consumerism vs Happiness
Rat Race
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Rat Race
modern marketing strategies
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modern marketing strategies
how can it be improved?
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how can it be improved?
to have a growing audience
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to have a growing audience
to be more ethical
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to be more ethical
to not be bombarded with ads and services
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to not be bombarded with ads and services
latest future
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latest future

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