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fate according to Anglo-Saxon beliefs
heroic epic
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long, narrative poem about life and deeds of heroes. Elements of heroic epic are elevated language, community, hero, fate, task, supernatural traits
a. s values Dream of the Rood
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Christ as a hero, determined curagous brave t is strong and not afraid of death. He wants to be a savior for people. Christ, is mighty, strong and fights for his people by dying for their sins
a. s values
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cross is described similarily to the way swords are described
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courage, loyalty, wisdom, honorableness, herosim, bravery and physical strength.
christian values
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desire of getting to heaven, talk about Christ second comming to earth
chivalric romance
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e is a tale that was spread in medieval Europe, which exalted the ideal of courtly love, the valor and advantures of a knight, and contained elements of fiction.
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The repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in the same line.
morality play
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is an allegorical drama popular in Europe especially during the 15th and 16th centuries, in which the characters personify moral qualities and in which moral lessons are taught.
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is a comparison that is unconventional, and/or improbable

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