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something extra that you are given because of your job
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to spread and promote ideas, lies or beliefs among people
to pull your weight
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to do your chores
a chip on one's shoulder
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a hostile mood that makes someone easily upset
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a situation when people are not where they are supposed to attend
to share a load
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to divide responsibilities
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a statement that someone has done something wrong, made without a proof that it's true
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state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone
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somethig awful
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law or a rule that limits what people can do
choked up
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having problem talking because of strong emotions
to outgrow
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to lose interest or stop being involved with someone because of growing older or personal changes
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a trick in which someone deceives you by saying something that isn't true
dawn on someone
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to suddenly became known or obvious
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act of telling false statements about someone which damages their reputation
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happening or appearing multiple times
die down
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to become quieter or less obvious
to come up ith something
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to suggest an idea or a sollution
fair share
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reasonable amount
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to block, prevent somehing from happening
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(negative) very obvious or noticeable
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when an individual agrees with every decision of their group and each person toes the line

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