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Domanda English Risposta English
arrival (przyloty)
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the place where you go after you land
boarding pass (karta pokładowa)
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a thing that you need to get on the plane
book a flight (zarezerwować lot)
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to buy a plane ticket
budget airlane (budżetowa sieć lotnicza)
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a company thats sells cheap flights
cancelled (odwołany)
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your flight is not taking off
check-in desk (odprawa)
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the place where you first show your ticket
delayed (opóźniony)
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your flight is late
departure lounge (sala odlotów)
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a place with lots of shops and restaurants
gate (bramka)
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the place where you want wait to board the plane
hand luggage (bagaż podręczny)
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a bag that you take into the plane
security (ochrona)
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the place where they check you and your luggage
trolley (wózek)
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a thing that you put your bags on

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