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posłaniec złych wieści
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the bearer of bad news
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s true.
ofiara, zdobycz
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a prey
pray animals (zwierzęta będące ofiarami drapieżników). The rabbit was eaten by the coyote, so the rabbit is the coyote's prey.
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a great deal of
This holidays has cost a great deal of money. We wanted to expand the business but needed a great deal of capital. It also gives you a great deal of flexibility.
ostatnio, ostatnim razem
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When was he last seen alive? I last spoke to Jane a few weeks ago about her new job. When we last met, he was based in Toronto. When did you see her last?
w tej pracy (w znaczeniu pracy zawodowej lub zadania do wykonania za które spodziewamy się wynagrodzenia.)
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on this job
I certainly didn’t earn much money on this job, but I learned a lot.
(in noun compounds) Plastic surgery
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a job
He had had a nose job.
dla początkujących, niewymagający dośw.
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There are many entry-level jobs that are lucrative. entry-level wages.
odpowiedni dla początkujących, początkujący
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an entry-level computer. entry-level candidates
not having enough of something.
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to be short of sth
I was a bit short of cash, so I couldn't go with them to the movie. I was just starting to print out the contract when I realized I was short of paper. Both players were short of time.
solidny, mocny
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sturdy /ˈstɜrdi/. sturdiness. sturdier. sturdiest
It was a sturdy building, able to withstand strong winds and cold weather. The dog was sturdy and could work all day without getting tired. I need a really sturdy suitcase for my travel around the world.
w wojsku
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w wojsku ?
In the military
In the military you have to obey the orders of your superiors.
przełożony, zwierzchnik
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a superior
kazać, rozkazać, zarządzić
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to order
She ordered him to do the shopping and left him a shopping list.
zwodniczy, pozorny, złudny. обманчивый
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deceptive, deceptively. deceptiveness
a deceptively calm person may hide harmful traits. Appearances can be deceptive. a deceptive advertisement.
praca bez perspektyw
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a dead-end job
ubiegać się o pracę
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to apply for a job
oglądać, przyglądać się
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to examine /ɪɡˈzæmɪn/
I examined the sculpture carefully from top to bottom.
co do mnie... что касается меня
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For my part (for one's part)
For my part, I don't care whether she stays or goes.
w przeważającej części, głównie, przez większość czasu. (idiomatic) Mostly; in general; usually
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for the most part
She talked about her kids, for the most part. For the most part he worked patiently.
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a stuffed animal
wypchane zwierzę (чучело)
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a stuffed animal
nazwisko panieńskie
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a maiden name 
She kept her maiden name after she married.

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