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próbować osiągnąć coś nie wprost, manewrując, sugerując. to try to get something in an indirect or roundabout way. (Usually used in the continuous tense.)
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to angle for
What exactly are you angling for? If it's a pay raise, you can just forget about it. I know Phil's angling for a day off, but we're just too short-staffed right now.
zapraszać do środka. To invite someone to enter one's house.
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to ask in/into
Haven't I asked you into our new house before? They're Bill's friends, so I asked them in.
(idiomatic, intransitive) To be alive, existent, or present
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to be around
I'll be around for another hour or so. This restaurant has been around since 1938. Sorry I can't make it out to see you today! Will you be around tomorrow?
(idiomatic, transitive) To be near; to socialize with.
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to be around
You're fun to be around. I just feel safer when you're around. John is so pleasant to be around.
rozkwitnąć (dosł. i przen.)
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to blossom out
I can't wait for the flowers I planted to blossom out. Amanda was really shy as a kid, but her bubbly personality blossomed out in adulthood. I had a much easier time writing my second novel—the idea for its plot just blossomed out overnight.
przekroczyć jakiś limit, próg
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to blow pass
I've just blown past my calorie limit for the day. You have to blow past the legal limit to drive one.

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