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widok z lotu ptaka (też o ogólnej perspektywie na coś)
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a bird's-eye view
a bird's-eye view of... Looking down from the seventh floor balcony gave them a bird's-eye view of the street below. You can get a bird’s-eye view of the city by going to the topmost floor.
ktoś kto wybił się na przekór wszystkiemu i wszystkim
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The Rose That Grew from Concrete
o tym że jest coś ważniejszego do roboty, poważniejsze sprawy
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bigger fish to fry
You are not worth my time or energy; I have bigger fish to fry. I want Chris to help me with this project, but he claims he has bigger fish to fry right now.
pies stróżujący
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pies stróżujący ?
a guard dog. a watchdog
strażnik, nadzorca. osoba lub grupa osób opiekująca się lub stojąca na straży aby uchronić od straty lub marnotrawienia i/lub nielegalnych praktyk
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a watchdog
Sally was watchdogged by two store security agents as she made a series of loud noises while shopping yesterday with Mike.
o odmowie
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to turn down a glass at
I’m sorry that I have to turn down a glass at your offer because it does not meet my needs.
ogarnąć się (szerokie znacz.) To organize oneself, begin acting in a serious and mature manner, and start performing the way in which others expect of one.
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to straighten up and fly right
If you don't start to straighten up and fly right soon, you're going to be out on your butt looking for a new job!

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