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dosł. ktoś obgryzający paznokcie/przen. sytuacja napięcia, lęku, nerwowości inizia ad imparare
nail-biter /neɪl/ /ˈbaɪtɚ/ It was a real nail biter waiting for the test results. The United States emerged victorious at the championship after a nail-biting final. Source:
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wiercić się, nie móc spokojnie usiedzieć, nie móc się uspokoić inizia ad imparare
(be) like a cat on a hot tin roof. like a cat on the hot bricks The coach acted like a cat on a hot tin roof throughout the game. When she realized that she had limited time to finish the work, she was like a cat on the hot bricks.
być atrakcyjnym dla kogoś, intrygować, wzbudzać zainteresowanie. to interest someone; to make someone curious. to interest someone inizia ad imparare
Does the menu have anything that tickles your fancy? I have an interesting problem here that I think will tickle your fancy. A: "Do you want to go to a movie later on?" B: "I don't know, there's nothing that really tickles my fancy in theaters right now"
Quickly, efficiently, and without any delays. inizia ad imparare
The repair shouldn't take long at all. We'll get you on the road in short order. Bob is the best trainer. He'll whip you into shape in short order. The children got ready in short order to go to the park and play.
To type the thoughts or spoken words of oneself or another person on a physical or virtual keyboard. inizia ad imparare
It is the court stenographer's job to type everything out that is said during a trial.
włączyć. (transitive) to turn a switch to the "on" position in order to start or enable a device inizia ad imparare
switch the light on. Would you switch on the water heater for me, please?
włączyć się automatycznie lub prawie automatycznie. To activate or begin functioning automatically or as if automatically. inizia ad imparare
The computer switches on as soon as you wiggle the mouse. We've set the lights to switch on at 8 PM every evening
ożywiać się. To become animated, lively, and alert, especially suddenly or on short notice. inizia ad imparare
She's such a quiet, reserved woman most of the time, but she really switches on when we all go out for dancing on the weekends. alcohol, drugs, pop-music switch people on
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It was amazing watching all those hot air balloons rising up at the same time. He clutched the seat and shut his eyes the moment he felt the plane rise up into the air.
podnieść się, wstać. To move into an upright position after sitting, kneeling, or lying down. inizia ad imparare
After the prayer, we all rose up from our knees to sing a hymn. He tried to rise up out of bed, but he was so weak that he collapsed back onto his pillow.
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The water is rising up fast. You had better get to higher ground. As the water rose up, it covered the fields and streets.
powstać przeciwko czemuś (zbuntować się) inizia ad imparare
The migrant workers rose up against the unfair wages.
czekać w kolejce (w grze). In video games, to enter into a sequence along with other people waiting to be allowed to play. inizia ad imparare
The game lets me queue up, but each time I'm about to join a match it boots me from the server. They have a fun minigame you can play while you queue up for your next round.
dodać kogoś do kolejki (w grach) inizia ad imparare
The party leader queued us up for our next raid. For some reason, the developers decided to queue you up with random players every time you enter a new match.
żerować na (szerokie znaczenie) inizia ad imparare
Owls prey on mice. Lions have been coming down into town to prey on people's pets. A sidewalk vendor preying on tourists. Bands of robbers living in the hills would prey on any traveller. Some thieves prey especially on unwary travelers.
przysnąć przysypiać. To fall asleep, especially unintentionally, usually while sitting up inizia ad imparare
I was so tired from staying up all night that I kept nodding off throughout the day. Jack nodded off during the minister's sermon. Father always nods off after Sunday lunch.
wyczarować (dosł. i w przenośni) inizia ad imparare
The wizard magicked up a giant golem and ordered it to attack the army of orcs. Their scientists managed to magic up a cure for the disease in just a matter of days. The landlady magicked up a large breakfast for us and our unexpected guest.
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I wish he'd lighten up a bit and realize that we were only joking. A: "I think he definitely needs to be grounded." B: "Oh, lighten up—it's not like you never made stupid mistakes as a kid." It's a funeral—nothing you do will lighten up the mood.