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Domanda American English Risposta American English
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North America, between Atlantic and Pacific ocean borders with Camda on north and Mexico on west
As which country is the largest in the world?
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USA is the 4th largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China
population of usa
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307 milions people
total area of usa
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is 9.83 milions km^2
How many time zones is im USA?
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six times zones
how many states are in USA?
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48 states+ Hawaii and District od Columbia= 50
capital city of USA
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is Washington
The largest cities
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New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas
The lowest point
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Death Valley
the highest point
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Mount McKinley
the longest river
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Missisipi (3780km)
the largest lake
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superior (82,414 square kilometers)
type of lands
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mountains, hills, lake terens, rivers (all types od lands)
Geography regions
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North east, South east, Midwest, south west, west
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Coneflower, White Sage, Cactus, Red woods trees, Red maple, Hardwood trees, oak tree, rose
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diverse, all kinds of climate
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Bold eagle, Bison, Bears Grizzly and polars, moose, racoon, prairie dog, coyotes

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