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The ball game is scheduled for Saturday, but we're still at the mercy of the weather.
od deski do deski (przeczytać coś) inizia ad imparare
She read Gone With the Wind from cover to cover in less than six hours.
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Let's try an alternative therapy for your fear of clowns.
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Join these two parts so that they fit together. The two pieces fit together perfectly.
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I like travelling to foreign countries
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What did they say about your innovative idea?
(transitive) To consider. inizia ad imparare
What hotels should we look at during our stay in Las Vegas? I looked at the possibility of buying a new car, but my current one still runs great
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She was carrying something under her arm.
to have a plan or secret desire to get something. inizia ad imparare
I knew he had designs on my job the first time I saw him. France has had designs on Belgium’s territory from the beginning.
to want a sexual relationship or want to date someone. inizia ad imparare
I can see you have designs on Anna. Agatha has designs on Jimmy, and she plans to marry him soon.
make a secret plot or scheme, usually with selfish intentions. to pursue something or someone for selfish reasons. inizia ad imparare
say little or nothing about one’s opinions or intentions. to remain silent about one’s thoughts or plans inizia ad imparare
to keep one's own counsel I would love to know what Talia thinks, but she keeps her own counsel. My boss is the person who says less but acts more, so he keeps his own counsel.
(existed) been present and active. inizia ad imparare
This is not a new viral video; it’s been around for a couple of years. They have been around long enough to see a few things. If John had been around, he would not have allowed the loading of the ship due to bad weather.
to have seen or experienced several things in one’s life. inizia ad imparare
You can’t fool someone that has been around since the 60s.
świętość, coś niekwestionowanego, niepodważalnego, z góry akceptowanego inizia ad imparare
Christianity is a sacred cow among many people. Prince Harry advised the people not to make a sacred cow of the monarchy. The new head teacher said the school would have numerous changes as nothing is a sacred cow.
odpowiedni. Having sufficient or the required properties for a certain purpose or task inizia ad imparare
The film is not suitable for children under 12.
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If you want a unique font for your logo, consider buying an inexpensive font from a place like Creative Market.
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