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On był zakłopotany, ponieważ zapomniał paszportu inizia ad imparare
He was embarrased, because he had forgotten his passport.
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okres, kropka, cykl, miesiączka inizia ad imparare
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He is so generous, he got her a brand new car.
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nieciekawy, niebezpieczny inizia ad imparare
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Kate and I had previously discussed this.
Odebrałem dziecko ze szkoły. inizia ad imparare
I picked up the children from school
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ustny, doustny, egzamin ustny inizia ad imparare
The doctor prescribed me a couple of oral pills.
umiejscowienie, położenie inizia ad imparare
This hotel has a very convenient placement
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I had to pay a fortune for the replacement of faulty parts in my car.
wskazówki(np. dotyczące drogi) inizia ad imparare
The woman gave me directions to the city centre.
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Are you sure we're going in the right direction?
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That moment was the start of a beautiful friendship that shaped my experience in Paris
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You might be thinking, “But Vanessa, I don’t have the privilege to go abroad and be immersed in English.”
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wyjaśniać, tłumaczyć, objaśniać inizia ad imparare
They quickly explained the rules of the game to me.
badać, eksplorować, zgłębiać(temat), zbadać, zwiedzać inizia ad imparare
We might want to explore this area.
zwiększać, powiększać, poszeżać działalność inizia ad imparare
Africa's population has expanded rapidly in the last 30 years.
wymiana, zamiana, wymiana zdań inizia ad imparare
You've made a good exchange.
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wpływ, siła uderzenia, udezrzenie, zderzenie inizia ad imparare
The government's decisions have an impact on the economy.
wygodny, praktyczny, poręczny inizia ad imparare
wracać, powracać, zwracać, odsyłać inizia ad imparare
My letter was returned, because I wrote the wrong address on the envelope.
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Did you ever consider that possibility?
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aplikować, odziałować, dotyczyć inizia ad imparare
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A short story eventually developed into a full-scale novel
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Her test results indicated that she needs to lose weight
podchwytliwy, trudny, zawiły inizia ad imparare
natychmiast, od razu, z miejsca(w tym momencie bez czekania lub namysłu) inizia ad imparare
You should call him immediately.
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I just wanted to remind you that this is the LAST CHANCE to speak American English fluently and save $60!
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He ate 20 hot-dogs within 10 minutes
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I don't have access to my daughter's medical history
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It was his moral duty to help his brother.
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1. At last I feel my life has some purpose. 2. What's your purpose? Do you want to hurt me?
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The teacher presented the function of the verb in a sentence.
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zobowiązanie / obowiązek, poświęcenie inizia ad imparare
posiadłość, majątek ziemski inizia ad imparare
This estate is 300 acres large.
wymagać, pociągać za sobą, obejmować, dotyczyć inizia ad imparare
This expedition involves a great risk.
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Our government wants to preserve national parks.
dobrze zapowiadający się, wróżący sukces, dobrze rokujący inizia ad imparare
This actor is up-and-coming. He plays perfectly
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You won't achieve your goal without hard work.
nastawienie, stosunek, postawa inizia ad imparare
The government has a negative attitude to this problem
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Brave for you to come here with such bold words.
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Perhaps she will call in a moment.
rozwijać, rozkładać, rozpakowywać inizia ad imparare
He unfolded the map on the table.
porozumienie, ugoda, umowa inizia ad imparare
1. The two countries reached an agreement within a matter of days. 2. These are terms of an agreement between you and the landlord.
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I've put a lot of effort into this.
przyznanie się, wyznanie, spowiedź inizia ad imparare
He told me all his sins during the confession
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The force of his attack was unbelievable.
prezentacja, zapoznanie, wprowadzenie, wstęp inizia ad imparare
We were invited to the official introduction of a new mobile phone.
przepowiednia, wróżba, proroctwo, prognoza inizia ad imparare
I hope this prediction is not a lie.
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You're not obliged to pay my bills.
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Before I could say anything, the auxiliary power came up.
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The demonstration was organized by a peaceful movement.
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Most of the senators were against the new plan.
osoba dogadzająca komuś, satysfakcjonująca, zadowalająca kogoś inizia ad imparare
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wieszać, wisieć, powiesić inizia ad imparare
I want you to hang the picture right here.
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I like to hang out with you.
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What is the theme of this discussion
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He was running at a slow pace.
niespodziewanie, jak grom z jasnego nieba inizia ad imparare
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Combine flour, milk and butter in a bowl.
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tropić, śledzić, namierzać inizia ad imparare
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pragnienie, silna potrzeba inizia ad imparare
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włączać, wliczać, zawierać, ujmować obejmować inizia ad imparare
Everyone was disappointed, myself included.
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The pharmaceutical industry is one of the three most lucrative industries.
ryzyko, zagrożenie- jako (rzeczownik). ryzykować, narażać się jako (czasownik). inizia ad imparare
I don't want to risk losing my money.
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I pretended not to understand her.
facet, chłop, człek, kumpel, członek, absolwent inizia ad imparare
My sister is a fellow at Brown University
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The match ended in a draw.
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He always doubts his abilities
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prawdziwy, autentyczny, szczery inizia ad imparare
It's made of genuine leather.
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It's a dangerous mission, so we need to be cautious.
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Did you participate in the competition?
troskliwy, myślący o innych inizia ad imparare
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You're not going to solve any problems here.
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They couldn't solve the mystery.
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pochłaniać w zbyt dużych ilościach inizia ad imparare
czyj, czyja, czyje, którego, której inizia ad imparare
kogo, którego, których, komu, któremu, którym 1.(Nie pamiętam, kogo wczoraj widziałem.) 2.(Komu powiedziałeś o naszej decyzji?) inizia ad imparare
1. I don't remember whom I saw yesterday. 2. Whom did you tell about our decision?