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Secure attachment script step 1
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the attached individual is engaged in constructive activity (EXPLORATION)
Secure attachment script 2 step 2
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a challenge is encountered that disrupts this activity or leads to distress
Secure attachment script 2 step 3
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the attached individual signals for assistance
Secure attachment script 2 step 4
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the attachment figure recognizes the signal and responds in a manner consistent with the message
Secure attachment script 2 step 5
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The assistance is accepted
Secure attachment script 2 step 5
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the assistance is effective in resolving the challenge,
Secure attachment script 2 step 6
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comforting behavior occurs as well, and
Secure attachment script 2 step 7
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the attached individual resumes the activity or initiates a new (EXPLORATION)
Attachment is not
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Admiration, sharing, camaraderie, Liking, Feeling valued, helped
Secure Attachment is
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Availability, dependability, feelings of safety, sense of closeness, effective comforting

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