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w polowie czegos
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halfway through something
He was released halfway through his prison sentence. I'm sure you will be sorry if you give it up halfway through
radosny, entuzjastyczny
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joyful, enthusiastic, bubbly
a bubbly personality
ujawnienie, wyjawienie (np. poufnej informacji) rzeczownik
the act of giving people new or secret information
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just for full disclosure after hi and I had a lovely dinner...
dac sie nabrac na dowcip
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fall for a joke
She fell for my joke
klocic sie z kims
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fall out with
I fell out with my sister
chybotliwy, chwiejny, drgajacy
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bezzwlocznie, natychmiast
quickly, without delay, or at the arranged time:
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after noticing a missed call he promptly returned it. He saw her kissing another man and left promptly
musze lecieć
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I have to go/ time to split
jesli o mnie chodzi to zgoda
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fine by me
"Can we do that?" "Fine by me."
pozbierać się do kupy, wziąć się w garść, ogarnąć się
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pull oneself together
It is hard to pull yourself together after the loss of a relative. Pull yourself together, we have to find out who did this.
zadowolony, rad
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I'm quite content with my life

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