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 0    10 schede    weronikaradlowska9
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Domanda Risposta
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bonds - an official paper given by the government or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate
akcjonariat, udziałowiec
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shareholding - an allocation of shares held in a company
aktywa zagrożone
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distressed assets
odkryć na nowo
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reinvent - to produce something new that is based on something that already exists
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surpass - to do or be better than
targowanie się
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bargaining - discussions between people in order to reach agreement on something such as prices, wages, working conditions, etc
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a discount - a reduction in the usual price
spowodować, wywołać
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brought about
zwiększyć sprzedaż
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boost sales

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