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rutyna, ustalony porządek inizia ad imparare
Have a regular routine – try to go to bed at roughly the same time every day. (/ruːˈtiːn/)
Mój syn otrzymuje bardzo dobre oceny w szkole. inizia ad imparare
Writers of film scores are experts at using music to create an atmosphere. (/skɔː/)
Czy może mi pani pomóc? Szukam ładnej białej koszuli. inizia ad imparare
He decided to seek further help. (/siːk/)
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You should never wake up a sleepwalker. (/ˈsliːpwɔːkə/)
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Have you ever had to share a room with someone who snores? (/snɔː/)
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A sonata is usually played on just one instrument. (/səˈnɑːtə/)
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Spinach is a vegetable many children don’t like. (/ˈspɪnɪdʒ/)
Czekam na wasze sugestie. inizia ad imparare
The suggestions for their holiday really helped. (/səˈdʒestʃən/)
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I love Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. (/ˈsɪmfəni/)
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Doctors diagnosed her as having a rare neurological disorder called Kleine-Levin Syndrome. (/ˈsɪndrəʊm/)
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Once you’ve tired of classical, you could start with music from the fifties and progress through each decade. (/ˈtaɪə/)
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The book opened his mind to a whole universe of ideas. (/ˈjuːnɪvɜːs/)
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All unwanted ideas were rejected. (/ˌʌnˈwɒntɪd/)
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The ship was vast with a capacity of over 2,000 passengers. (/vɑːst/)
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A university psychologist in Canada believes that people who play video games are more likely to be able to control their own dreams. (/ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm/)
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Gamers spend hours a day in a virtual reality and they are used to controlling their game environments. (/ˈvɜːtʃuəl/)
Uwielbiam chodzić na długie spacery w świetle księżyca. inizia ad imparare
My parents heard me wandering downstairs in the middle of the night. (/ˈwɒndə/)
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The computer whirred as it started up. (/wɜː/)
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My teachers are going to advise me what subjects to study next year. (/ədˈvaɪz/)
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I often argue with my parents about doing housework. (/ˈɑːɡjuː/)
Dlaczego wszyscy mnie unikają? inizia ad imparare
Jack always tries to avoid arguing with me. (/əˈvɔɪd/)
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Arsenal beat Manchester United 5–2. (/biːt/)
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Tom always denies that he has a problem. (/dɪˈnaɪ/)
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I need to discuss the problem with my boss. (/dɪˈskʌs/)
oczekiwać, spodziewać się inizia ad imparare
I expect that Daniel will forget our anniversary. He always does. (/ɪkˈspekt/)
Mam nadzieję, że masz rację. inizia ad imparare
I hope that you can come on Friday. I haven’t seen you for ages. (/həʊp/)
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I laid the baby on the bed and changed his nappy. (/leɪ/)
Wczoraj leżałam w łóżku przez całe rano. inizia ad imparare
Last night I came home, lay on the sofa, and went to sleep. (/laɪ/)
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Carol doesn’t look very well. I think she’s working too hard. (/lʊk/)
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It doesn’t matter if we are five minutes late. (/ˈmætə/)
- Masz coś przeciwko, żebym otworzył okno? - Nie, skąd. inizia ad imparare
My parents don’t mind if I stay out late. (/maɪnd/)
Zauważyła monetę i podniosła ją. inizia ad imparare
I didn’t notice that Karen had changed her hair colour. (/ˈnəʊtɪs/)
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My dad can’t prevent me from seeing my friends. (/prɪˈvent/)
Planujemy podnieść wynagrodzenie naszych pracowników inizia ad imparare
It’s hard not to raise your voice when you are arguing with someone. (/reɪz/)
zdawać sobie z czegoś sprawę inizia ad imparare
I didn’t realize you were so unhappy. (/ˈrɪəlaɪz/)
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Tom always refuses to discuss the problem. (/rɪˈfjuːz/)
Pamiętaj żeby zamknąć okna zanim wyjdziesz. inizia ad imparare
Remember to turn off the lights before you go. (/rɪˈmembə/)
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Can you remind me to call my mum later? (/rɪˈmaɪnd/)
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The cost of living is going to rise again this month. (/raɪz/)
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The men had been planning to rob the bank. (/rɒb/)
Wydajesz się bardzo zmęczony. inizia ad imparare
I’ve spoken to her husband twice and he seems very nice. (/siːm/)
Ktoś musiał ukraść jej torebkę, kiedy nie patrzyła. inizia ad imparare
If you leave your bike unlocked, somebody might steal it. (/stiːl/)
Anna czeka na chłopaka ponad godzinę. inizia ad imparare
We’ll have to wait half an hour for the next train. (/weɪt/)
Otrzegając ich przed zwalonym mostem, uratowała całą grupę. inizia ad imparare
I think I should warn you that Liam doesn’t always tell the truth. (/wɔːn/)
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Arsenal won the match 5–2. (/wɪn/)
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I wish I was a bit taller! (/wɪʃ/)
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I sprained my ankle playing football. (/ˈæŋkl/)
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Do you bite your nails when you’re nervous? (/baɪt jɔː neɪlz/)
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Here’s a tissue to blow your nose. (/bləʊ jɔː nəʊz/)
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My bike saddle is uncomfortable and it hurts my bottom! (/ˈbɒtəm/)
Długoterminowe skutki uszkodzenia mózgu będą różne dla każdej osoby. inizia ad imparare
Is it true we only use 25% of our brain? (/breɪn/)
wyszczotkować włosy / zęby inizia ad imparare
You need to brush your hair before I take you to dance class. (/brʌʃ jɔː heə, tiːθ/)
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I pulled my calf muscle running. (/kɑːf/)
Jego klatka piersiowa nie była dobrze rozwinięta. inizia ad imparare
What size chest is your jacket? (/tʃest/)
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The steak was tough and difficult to chew. (/tʃuː/)
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Are you going to comb your hair? It looks a mess. (/kəʊm jɔː heə/)
Po co miałbyś sobie zrobić tatuaż na łokciu? inizia ad imparare
I don’t know why I’ve got a lot of wrinkled skin on my elbow. (/ˈelbəʊ/)
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She hit me with her fist. (/fɪst/)
założyć ręce na piersiach inizia ad imparare
Fold your arms – it will keep you warmer. (/fəʊld jɔː ɑːmz/)
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The teacher frowned when she saw all the mistakes I had made. (/fraʊn/)
Moje serce bije bardzo szybko. inizia ad imparare
My heart is beating so fast after that race. (/hɑːt/)
Nadepnąłem na klocek lego i teraz boli mnie pięta. inizia ad imparare
Careful! You stood on my heel. (/hiːl/)
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My grandad has false hips. (/hɪps/)
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I’m going to hold someone’s hand when I skate. I’m worried I’ll fall over. (/həʊld sʌmwʌnz hænd/)
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When we meet we always hug each other. (/hʌɡ/)
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The kidneys help clean the blood. (/ˈkɪdnɪz/)
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Some women think a man should kneel down when he proposes marriage. (/niːl/)
Nie pij zbyt dużo alkoholu. To szkodliwe dla wątroby. inizia ad imparare
Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your liver. (/ˈlɪvə/)
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I smoke 40 cigarettes a day. My lungs must be terrible. (/lʌŋz/)
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Where did you get your nails done? (/neɪlz/)
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She tries to read people’s palms. (/pɑːmz/)
Włącz kierunkowskaz, by wskazać dokąd jedziesz. inizia ad imparare
If you don’t know the word for something, just point at what you want. (/pɔɪnt/)
unosić brwi, okazywać zdziwienie inizia ad imparare
Don’t raise your eyebrows at me. (/reɪz jɔː ˈaɪbraʊz/)
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Don’t scratch the mosquito bite. You’ll only make it worse. (/skrætʃ/)
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We normally shake hands when we meet people. (/ʃeɪk hændz/)
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Nod if you agree or shake your head if you don’t. (/ʃeɪk jɔː hed/)
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Do you always shrug your shoulders when you don’t know the answer? (/ʃrʌɡ jɔː ˈʃəʊldəz/)
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The painting was so strange I stared at it for a long time. (/steə/)
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She got out of bed, and yawned and stretched. (/stretʃ/)
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Did you suck your thumb when you were young? (/sʌk jɔː θʌm/)
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My thighs are too big for those trousers. (/θaɪz/)
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You know you’re getting old when you can’t touch your toes. (/tʌtʃ jɔː təʊz/)