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Do you read anything specifically to improve your English? (/spəˈsɪfɪkli/)
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I’m scared someone is going to stab me in this pub. (/stæb/)
Zawsze podróżuję z jedną walizką. inizia ad imparare
This suitcase is really heavy. (/ˈsuːtkeɪs/)
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He’s wearing socks and sandals so he must be a tourist. (/ˈtɔːrɪst/)
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It was a very traumatic experience. (/trɔːˈmætɪk/)
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He pulled the trigger on the gun. (/ˈtrɪɡə/)
przenosić (do wyższej klasy) inizia ad imparare
We’d like to upgrade you to first class. (/ˈʌpɡreɪd/)
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Watch out – the old witch is here! (/wɪtʃ/)
Śnieg jest niczym innym jak deszczem w temperaturze poniżej zera stopni Celsjusza. inizia ad imparare
The temperature is below zero. It’s minus five. (/bɪˈləʊ ˈzɪərəʊ/)
Zgubili drogę w zamieci śnieżnej. inizia ad imparare
A blizzard is a snow storm with very strong winds. (/ˈblɪzəd/)
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It’s too hot today. It’s boiling. (/ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/)
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The breeze is really cooling me down. (/briːz/)
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The bright sunshine lit up the mountain. (/braɪt/)
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The weather is very changeable in the UK. (/ˈtʃeɪndʒəbl/)
Wskakuj! Woda jest przyjemna i chłodna! inizia ad imparare
It’s a bit chilly in here. Shall I put the heating on? (/ˈtʃɪli/)
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On a clear day you can see for miles. (/klɪə/)
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It’s a bit cool for this time of year. It’s normally hotter. (/kuːl/)
Ona płakała - jej oczy jeszcze są mokre. inizia ad imparare
The clothes are damp. There must have been a bit of rain last night. (/dæmp/)
W większości miejsc będzie pochmurno, a czasami będzie padać i mżyć. inizia ad imparare
It’s only raining a little bit. Just a light drizzle. (/ˈdrɪzl/)
Susza to długi okres kiedy nie ma deszczu, a ziemia jest sucha. inizia ad imparare
A drought is a long, dry period when there is little or no rain. (/draʊt/)
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The flash of lightning could be seen for miles. (/flæʃ/)
Powódź uszkodziła kilka domów w okolicy, ale na szczęście szybko ustąpiła. inizia ad imparare
A flood is when everything becomes covered with water. (/flʌd/)
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The forecast next week is for snow. (/ˈfɔːkɑːst/)
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It’s freezing! I’ll have to scrape the ice from my car. (/ˈfriːzɪŋ/)
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It poured with rain and I didn’t have an umbrella. I got soaked. (/ɡet səʊkt/)
Ziarna gradu mają strukturę warstwową, mogą być nieregularne i zbite. inizia ad imparare
Hail is small balls of ice that fall like rain. (/heɪl/)
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A heatwave is a period of unusually hot weather. (/ˈhiːtweɪv/)
Silni mężczyźni też płaczą. inizia ad imparare
The rain was so heavy I had to stop driving. (/ˈhevi/)
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The snow will be much heavier in the hills. (/hɪl/)
Ona płakała - jej oczy jeszcze są mokre. inizia ad imparare
It’s hot and there’s a lot of moisture in the air. It feels humid. (/ˈhjuːmɪd/)
Huragan to tropikalna burza z silnym wiatrem i deszczem. inizia ad imparare
A hurricane is a violent coastal storm with very strong winds. (/ˈhʌrɪkən/)
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I fell over on the icy path. (/ˈaɪsi/)
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Lightning is a flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity. (/ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/)
Spotkajmy się jutro w samo południe. inizia ad imparare
Rain will move into the area from midday. (/ˌmɪdˈdeɪ/)
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It’s quite mild by September. The summer heat has gone. (/maɪld/)
Samolot nie mógł wylądować z powodu mgły. inizia ad imparare
The mist from the sea was so thick I couldn’t see anything. (/mɪst/)
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A monsoon is the season when it rains a lot in southern Asia. (/mɒnˈsuːn/)
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It will be mostly sunny with occasional periods of rain. (/əˈkeɪʒənl/)
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How often do these hot periods occur? (/əˈkɜː/)
Ceny prawie wszystkich materiałów wzrosły gwałtownie w bardzo krótkim okresie czasu. inizia ad imparare
It’s been a really wet period this summer. How many weeks is it now? (/ˈpɪəriəd/)
Spędziliśmy przyjemny wieczór w kinie. inizia ad imparare
It’s quite pleasant. You won’t need a jumper. (/ˈpleznt/)
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When we arrived in New York it was pouring with rain. (/pɔː(r)ɪŋ wɪð reɪn/)
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It’s scorching! I need to go inside to cool down. (/ˈskɔːtʃɪŋ/)
Ten stół nie jest bardzo stabilny, nie radziłbym na nim siadać. inizia ad imparare
After a period of changeable weather it became much more settled. (/ˈsetld/)
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Let’s wait a minute to see if it’s just a short shower. (/ˈʃaʊə/)
Smog jest mieszanką mgły z dymem. inizia ad imparare
Los Angeles is famous for its thick smog. (/smɒɡ/)
Silni mężczyźni też płaczą. inizia ad imparare
The strong wind blew over many trees. (/strɒŋ/)
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I wear suncream on hot days so I don’t get sunburnt. (/ˈsʌnbɜːnt/)
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You look really brown. Was it sunny on your holiday? (/ˈsʌni/)
Tak bardzo się pocę, że muszę zmieniać bluzę dwa razy dziennie. inizia ad imparare
I’m sweating. Can we turn the air conditioning on? (/ˈswet/)
Las był bardzo ciemny i gęsty - było w nim mnóstwo drzew i krzaków. inizia ad imparare
The fog was so thick I couldn’t see anything. (/θɪk/)
Najpierw zobaczyliśmy uderzenie błyskawicy, a potem usłyszeliśmy grzmot. inizia ad imparare
Thunder is the loud noise that you hear during a storm. (/ˈθʌndə/)
Tornado to gwałtowny wiatr z trąbą powietrzną. inizia ad imparare
A tornado is a violent storm that can appear without warning. (/tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/)
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How warm is it outside? Do I need a jumper? (/wɔːm/)
poczucie własnej słabości inizia ad imparare
a sense of (one’s) own vulnerability We want to give them a sense of their own vulnerability, their human limitations, and the risks involved. (/ə sens ɒv wʌnz əʊn ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/)
Muszę przyznać, że bardzo mi zaimponowałeś. inizia ad imparare
The participants are asked to introduce themselves and admit that they have a problem. (/ədˈmɪt/)
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Does the weather affect your mood? (/əˈfekt/)
Czy ten komar jest nadal żywy? inizia ad imparare
I want to stay alive for as long as possible. (/əˈlaɪv/)
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It’s not the speed, it’s the buzz you get when you go fast. (/bʌz/)
Politycy nie traktują problemu zmiany klimatu zbyt poważnie. inizia ad imparare
Pollution is leading to climate change. (/ˈklaɪmət tʃeɪndʒ/)
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When will we have learnt enough English to be able to communicate fluently? (/kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/)
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Imagine that you had a dream where you were standing on the edge of a precipice. (/edʒ/)
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Earth Day is an annual day to increase awareness of the environment. (/ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/)
Nasze sklepy oferują coraz więcej artykułów przyjaznych dla środowiska. inizia ad imparare
I only shop at places which stock environmentally-friendly products. (/ɪnˌvairənˌmentəli ˈfrendli/)
stawiać czoła, mierzyć się z inizia ad imparare
The lessons learned from facing the difficulties may be very valuable in everyday life. (/feɪs/)
przejść od razu do rzeczy inizia ad imparare
get straight to the point Let me get straight to the point. This is not good enough. (/ɡet streɪt tə ðə pɔɪnt/)
Efekt cieplarniany jest odpowiedzialny za globalne ocieplenie. inizia ad imparare
Many people worry that global warming is affecting the climate. (/ˌɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/)
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He’s a habitual offender. He’s been caught six times. (/həˈbɪtʃuəl əˈfendə/)
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Have you ever travelled somewhere without having booked somewhere to stay in advance? (/ɪn ədˈvɑːns/)
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Take your umbrella in case it’s raining when you leave work. (/ɪn keɪs/)
Co doprowadziło cię to tego wniosku? inizia ad imparare
I’m going to lead the session today. (/liːd/)
Chcę się tylko upewnić, że pamiętasz o naszym spotkaniu. inizia ad imparare
Please make sure the windows are closed before you leave the house. (/meɪk ʃɔː/)
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The mixture of speed and noise raises people’s adrenaline. (/ˈmɪkstʃə/)
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Everything has two sides to it – a positive one and a negative one. (/ˈneɡətɪv/)
Obserwujemy zachowanie wieloryba. inizia ad imparare
I like to observe people’s reactions when I tell them my news. (/əbˈzɜːv/)
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There are many opportunities for people with university degrees. (/ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/)
Wszyscy uczestnicy są proszeni o zaczekanie w holu. inizia ad imparare
At the beginning of the course the participants are asked to introduce themselves and admit that they have a problem. (/pɑːˈtɪsɪpənt/)
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It’s sensation-seeking, it’s taking risks, looking for that buzz, but (/pəˈtenʃəli ˈfeɪtl)
Miliony stworzeń morskich na całym świecie ponoszą konsekwencje zanieczyszczenia plastikiem. inizia ad imparare
ignoring the potentially fatal consequences. (ˈkɒnsɪkwənsɪz/)
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They need to make a realistic assessment of the risks involved. (/ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪk/)
Co było przyczyną wypadku? inizia ad imparare
The writer Sir John Mortimer saw a deeper reason for Britain’s peculiar obsession with the weather. (/ˈriːzn/)
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I recycle all my newspapers, bottles, and plastic salad boxes. (/ˌriːˈsaɪkl/)
Przykro mi, że miał Pan z tego powodu tyle problemów. inizia ad imparare
I regret going to university. It didn’t help me get a better job. (/rɪˈɡret/)
Informuj mnie regularnie. inizia ad imparare
But if you regularly drive at 120mph (190kph) on a public road, sooner or later you’re going to get caught. (/ˈreɡjələli/)
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When you practise extreme sports your brain releases endorphins. (/rɪˈliːs/)
To jest rzecz wielokrotnego użytku i jest zaprojektowana aby wytrzymała 10 lat. inizia ad imparare
I own several reusable shopping bags made of recyclable materials. (/ˌriːˈjuːzəbl/)
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The judge ruled that he had broken the law. (/ruːl/)
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Other sources of energy will be needed as fossil fuels will run out. (/rʌn aʊt/)
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Temperatures are set to soar to 30 degrees on Saturday. (/sɔː/)
Jaka jest nasza strategia na wygranie konkursu filmowego? Potrzebujemy planu. inizia ad imparare
In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. (/ˈstrætədʒi/)
Podsumuję jeszcze raz wszystkie szczegóły. Spotykamy się w piątek przy fontannie, tak? inizia ad imparare
To sum up, extreme sports can have many health benefits. (/sʌm ʌp/)
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We need to take the risks involved in driving very seriously. (/teɪk ˈsɪəriəʊsli/)
Droga do Green Mountain w sezonie jest zamknięta dla pojazdów. inizia ad imparare
Motorcyclists make up just 1% of all the vehicles on the road. (/ˈviːəkl/)
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We need this warm spell after the rain we have had. (/wɔːm spel/)
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People can suffer from addiction to many things, from smoking to speed. (/əˈdɪkʃn/)
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It’s the adrenaline. It’s the buzz you get when you go fast. (/əˈdrenəlɪn/)
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We are friends, but I don’t know much about their private affairs. (/əˈfeə/)
Zdecydowałem się zostać w domu, chociaż bardzo chciałem iść na ten koncert. inizia ad imparare
I think this is a family photo, although none of the family members are actually looking at the camera. (/ɔːlˈðəʊ/)
Kuchenka to sprzęt gospodarstwa domowego. inizia ad imparare
Always unplug electrical appliances (e.g. a hairdryer) as soon as you have stopped using them. (/əˈplaɪəns/)
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I throw dead batteries in the rubbish. (/ˈbætəri/)