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poruszyć temat
start discussing something. Formal version = to raise
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bring up sth/ bring sth up
Don't bring that subject up if you don't want her to start crying. Let's bring this up at our next meeting. Don't bring up that subject in his presence
przekazywać/ wyjaśniać(informcje/ co ma sie na mysli)
to make people understand something
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get across
He sometimes has trouble getting his meaning across in English. What message are you trying to get across to the consumer? I was trying to get across how much I admired them. Am I getting the message across clearly?
wygadać sie, nie utrzymac w tajemnicy
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let on
Don't tell him your secrets, he always lets on. How did she plan the surprise party without letting on to her husband?
przerwać komuś (w konwersacji)
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jump in
You can't jump in every time adults talk. She jumped in just when I was telling a joke. Do you mind if I jump in here
wcinać sie do rozmowy
uzywajac tego zwrotu chemy pokazać ze osoba zachowala sie troche niegrzecznie
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butt in [bat ]
Please don't butt in all the time! he's always butting in—not letting her finish her story and giving her advice she never asked for
przedyskutowac cos/ omowic
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talk something over
We need to talk our plan over. You both need to talk over what happened that day. I know you’re still angry; let’s talk it over tonight.
przekonywać kogoś/ namawiać
convince someone
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talk somebody around
The students tried to talk the teacher around to cancel the test. I’m sure I can talk her round. I didn't want to go but he succeeded in talking me around
poniekad/ w pewnym sensie
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in a manner of speaking
Well, we've already met, in a manner of speaking. Ursula was, in a manner of speaking, his wife.
przeciwstawiac sie, postepowac wbrew komus czemus
to refuse to obey someone or something
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Some of these children openly defy their teachers.
mimo wszytsko, wszak
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after all
Helen couldn't come to the party after all.
with no mistakes or bad characteristics
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flawless [floles]
a flawless complexion
a feeling of great respect and sometimes fear
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respet, awe (oo)
he watched his master in awe
sprawny, zreczny
having the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands:
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dexterous [dek-stres]
East Asians are generally dexterous, in part because they grow up eating with chopsticks.
chamski, prostacki
rude and not considering other people's feelings:
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I found him rather boorish and aggressive. The boorish behaviour of some tourists is embarrassing.
nie wspominajac nawet o/ ze
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not to mention that
a co dopiero
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let alone
Some people never even read a newspaper, let alone a book.
okropnie brudny
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filthy [filfi]
Wash your hands, they're filthy!
tracic przytomnosc
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black out
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faint [feint]
wykluczac kogos/cos
to decide that something or someone is not suitable for a particular purpose, or to decide that something is impossible
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rule sb/sth out
The police have not ruled him out as a suspect. We can't rule out that possibility
uderzac (w cos)
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strike (strajk)
struck-struck [strak], His car went out of control and struck a tree.

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