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Domanda English Risposta English
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to arrival of a large number of people
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happening or done quickly and without warming
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probably going to happen or probably true
to inject
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to add something new to a situation
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relating to the special skills that you need for a particular job or occupation
enterpreneurial person
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willing to work hard and take risks in order to build up a business
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a methods of achieving something
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a situation in which someone is trying to win something or be better then someone else
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a person who has finished their school or university education
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if you pursue a plan you try to do it or achieve it usually over a large period of time
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to make major changes or improvements to something
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including many different types of people or things
cash cow
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a product or business that earns a lot of money especially when this money is used to pay for something else
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to consider someone or something to be important
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to pay part of the cost of something
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aware of and understanding the feelings of the other people
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resonable and practical
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requiring much time attention or effort
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strong need for something
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coming from other country
to pay your way
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to pay for everything that you need or use yourself
to enrol
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officialy register as a member of an course
to predict
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to say that something will or might happen in the future
to soar
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to increase very quickly in amount or price
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an influence

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