Moduł 3 Prawo rzeczowe

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Domanda Risposta
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władztwo fizyczne na rzeczą
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physical/actual control of a thing
wola zachowania rzeczy dla siebie
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intention to control the thing for oneself
posiadacz w dobrej wierze
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possessor in good faith/ possessor bona fide
posiadanie wadliwe
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faulty/defective possession
posiadanie niewadliwe
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non-defective possession/ possession without fault
posiadanie prawne
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lawful possession
posiadanie bezprawne
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unlawful possession
posiadacz samoistny
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autonomous/Independent possessor/ owner like possessor
posiadacz zależny
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dependent holder
dependent possessor
przeniesienie własności
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transfer of ownership/alienation/conveyance
pobierać pożytki
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collect fruits/benefits
zużywać rzecz
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consume/ wear & tear/ use up
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movable/moveable property/ personal property/movable thing
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immovable/ immovable thing/immovable property/ real property
rzecz oznaczona co do tożsamości
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non-fungible thing/ thing designated as to the identity/individualised thing
rzecz oznaczona co do gatunku
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fungible thing/ generic thing/ thing not individualised
nabycie pierwotne
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original/natural acquisition
nabycie pochodne
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derivative acquisition
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natural possession/ natural corporeal possession/possession in fact
władztwo prekaryjne
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precarious possession/ permissive occupation/ tenure by permission od sufferance
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spółdzielcze własnościowe prawo do lokalu
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cooperative member's ownership right to an allocated unit
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służebność gruntowa
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easement appurtenant/ predial servitude
służebność osobista
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personal servitude/ easement in gross
służebność mieszkania
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dwelling unit servitude
służebność przesyłu
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transmission servitude
nieruchomość obciążona/służebna
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servient property/tenement
nieruchomość władnąca
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dominant/benefited property/ tenement
służebność bierna
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negative servitude/ easement
służebność widoku
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servitude of not blocking the view
służebność czynna
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positive/affirmative easement/servitude
służebność drogi koniecznej
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right-of-way/ access easement/ servitude of passage
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usucaption/ prescriptive acquisition/ adverse possession
zrzeczenie się (służebności)
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wywłaszczeniowa decyzja administracyjna
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expropriation/ condemnation/ compulsory purchase/ compulsory surrended
eminent domain
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prawo do wywłaszczenia
wierzyciel hipoteczny
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mortgage creditor/mortgagee
dłużnik hipoteczny
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mortgage debtor/ mortgagor
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pledgee/ pledge creditor
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pledger/ pledge debtor
zastaw umowny
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contractual pledge
w drodze umowy
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by contract/ agreement
z mocy prawa
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by virtue of law/ by operation of law
zastaw ustawowy
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roszczenie windykacyjne
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claim for restitution/ action for recovery/ ejectment
roszczenie negatoryjne
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actio negatoria/ action to deny/ action to repel
hipoteka umowna
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contractual mortgage/ conventional
hipoteka łączna
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joint mortgage/ encumbering several properties
przymusowa hipoteka
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judicial mortgage
ustawowa hipoteka
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statutory mortgage
zwykła hipoteka
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ordinary mortgage
hipoteka kaucyjna
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capped / ceiling mortgage
ustanowić zastaw
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grant/ constitue/ create
współwłasność w częściach ułamkowych
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co-ownership in fractional shares
współwłasność łączna
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joint co-ownership/ indivisible co-ownership
użytkowanie wieczyste
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perpetual usufruct
akt notarialny
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notarial deed/ notarial instrument

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