Mix wyrażeń (1)

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Gdyby nie deszcz,...(3 warunkowy)
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But for the rain, ... / If it hadn't been for the rain
ku mojemu całkowitemu niedowierzaniu / zdziwieniu
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To my utter disbelief / amazement
zaskoczyć kogoś (phrasal verb)
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take aback
odmówić (phrasal verb)
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turn down
mieć coś zrobić
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be suppoused to do sth
na twoim miejscu.
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If I were in your shoes
uważać coś za interesujące
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find sth interesting
ciężko mi to zrozumieć (find)
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I find it hard to understand.
w celu (1. order, 2. as)
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in order to / so as to
I did it in order to help you / so as to help you.
w celu (1. purpose, 2. view)
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1. for the purpose of doing 2. with a view to doing

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