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deal and control the feeling of being in danger
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overcome fear, get over a fear
to say something that is true that others may not want or expect to hear.
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drop a truth bomb
an extra job you do alongside your main job
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a side hustle
being very careful to notice things, especially possible danger
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to attack someone physically, but also kick or hit
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rough someone up
feeling that dealing with strong emotions is too much
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overwhelmed, weighed down
substances such as sugar or starch that give you energy
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give freedom, launch
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careful about spending money
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influence on sb, sth
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affect sb, sth
able to be easily physically, emotionally, or mentally hurt, influenced,
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allowed by law, legal
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gradually increase, accumulate (debt, rent)
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to rack up
pay a lot of money for something
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shell out
a period of time when you don't eat
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when there is not enough water in your organism
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not too small not too big, not extreme on both sides
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(of food) treated with chemicals that preserve it or give it extra taste or color
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an eager wish to know or learn about something
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a person's way of thinking and their opinions
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to avoid sth
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to shun
not be trusting or certain about sth/sb
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be wary of / about sth/sb
badly affected by sth
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to pay money for something, especially when the cost is unexpected and not wanted
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shell out
to trouble someone with something difficult or unpleasant
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to burden
existing or happening before something else, or before a particular time
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to continue to be informed or know about someone or something
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to keep track of sth
to continue to be informed or know about someone or something
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to resort to sth

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