Miłość i związki

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Domanda Risposta
Kochasz go?
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Do you love him?
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Pardon me?
nieuprzejmy, niegrzeczny
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Czy ona Ci się podoba? // Czy lubisz ją?
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Do you like her?
bić pięścią
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to punch
świetnie całuje
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she's great kisser
cofnąć się
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back up
wstrząsnęło moim światem infml
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rocked my world
To zależy od Ciebie
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It's up to you
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przeproś ją
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apologize (apologise) to her
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To jest moja koleżanka/dziewczyna
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This is my girlfriend
Ona mnie wystawiła (nie przyszła na randkę)
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she stood me up
zerwaliśmy ze sobą (chlopak z dziewczyną)
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we broke up
pogodziliśmy się
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we made up
3 formy zaproszenia na randę (wyjść ze mną, zjeść obiad, kupić drinka)
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Would you like to go out with me?, Maybe we could have dinner?, Can I buy you a drink?
pół rok związku (6 misięcznica)
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six-month anniversary
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an anniversary
Mając na uwadze, pamiętając
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Keeping in mind
pierdoły infl, kupa
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kiepski, denny, lamerski
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pewnie mówiłaby (infml)
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she'd probably be all
mam złamane serce, jestem załamana
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I am heartbroken
powiedziałby infl
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he'd be like
przykro mi, przepraszam
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I'm sorry
przytulić ją
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give her a hug
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you know it
mamy się przyjaźnić
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we're supposed to be friends
komunikować się, porozumiewać się
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Dlaczego Ci zależy na?
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Why do you care about?
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all of a sudden
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sprawy policyjne infl
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cop stuff
wysokie obcasy
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high heels
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gapić się pożądliwie na
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leer at
Idziesz na kolację?
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Are you off to dinner?
w centrum handlowym
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at the mall
pożerać wzrokiem infl
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kufer - w znaczeniu pośladki
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pojść na kolację
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have dinner
maybe we could have dinner?
zaprosić mnie na randkę
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ask me out (on a date)
Are you asking me out on a date?
swobodny, niezobowiązujący
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uprawiać seks
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have sex
niech tak będzie
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so be it
piękny, olśniewający
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chodzić ze mną (kobieta z meżczyzną)
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date me
You wanna date me
zrobić dobre wrażenie
Everyone wants to make a good impression
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make a good impression
mieć dużo wspólnego
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have a lot in common
zyć długo i szczęśliwie
By the end of the movie you...
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live happily ever after
By the end of the movie you live happily ever after
ładny, uroczy
(especially of something or someone small or young) pleasant and attractive: His baby brother is really...
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His baby brother is really cute.
intelligent, or able to think quickly or intelligently in difficult situations: Maddy's teacher says she's one of the ... kids in the class.
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Maddy's teacher says she's one of the smartest kids in the class.
kind and always thinking about how you can help other people: Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very ... of you
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Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you
złożyć obietnicę
Don't ... you can't keep.
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make a promise
Don't make promises you can't keep.
(of love) felt toward someone who does not feel the same way toward you // It's just another poem on the pain of ... love.
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It's just another poem on the pain of unrequited love.
If a surface reflects light, heat, sound, or an image, it sends the light, etc. back and does not absorb it: // I could see my face ... in his glasses.
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I could see my face reflected in his glasses.
zapisać się na terapię dla par
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sign up for couples therapy
poznaliśmy się przez wspólnego znajomego
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we met through a mutual friend
chcesz się ze mną umówić?
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Would you like to go out with me?
rozstaliśmy się
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we broke up
mieć romans, mieć przygodę, przelotna znajomość
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have a fling
związek na odległość
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long distance relationship
Chodźmy na kawę
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Let's go for a coffee
chcesz iść ze mną na drinka?
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Would you like to have a drink with me?
Z przyjemnością
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I'd love to
Przyjdź po mnie o 19:00 / (odbierz mnie np. z lotniska)
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Pick me up at 7:00 PM
Trzymali się za ręce
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They were holding hands
Nie jest w moim typie
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She is not my type
od razu się w niej zakochałem
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I fell for her at once
Jesteś w związku?
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Are you in a relationship?
Mają swoje dobre i złe chwile
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They have their ups and downs
Zdradził ją
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He cheated on her
Możemy to naprawić?
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Can we work things out?
Nasze drogi się rozeszły
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we drifted apart
Straciłem z nim kontakt
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I lost touch with him
Chcesz powiedzieć, że...?
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Are you saying ...?
Nie o to mi chodzi
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That's not what I'm saying
przytulać się
to put your arms around someone and hold them in a loving way, or (of two people) to hold each other close to show love or for comfort: "She ... the baby and eventually it stopped crying "
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She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying.
To zależy od Ciebie.
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It's up to you
Co mogę zrobić, żeby pomóc?
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What can I do to help?
Zapraszasz mnie na randkę?
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Are you asking me out on a date?
To się po prostu zdarza
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It just happens
znamy się od bardzo dawna
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We go way back
jak marzenie
seeming to be in a dream and not paying attention to what is happening around you:
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a thing, person, animal, or event that is extremely unusual or unlikely, and not like any other of its type:, At my school you were considered to be a ... if you weren't interested in sport.
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At my school you were considered to be a freak if you weren't interested in sport.

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