Milena 2nd Dec

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Dawno się nie widzieliśmy.
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Long time (NO see).
Pojechałam z moim tatą na wieś.
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My dad and I went to the countryside.
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odzież sportowa
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sports clothes
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pyjamas / pj's
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an envelope
Wczoraj z rodziną obejrzałam film.
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My family and I watched a film yesterday.
Moja mama jest celnikiem.
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My mum is a customs officer.
u mojej babci
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at my granny's
Idziesz teraz do Karoliny?
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Are you going to Karolina's now?
Spędziliśmy razem dużo czasu.
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We spenT a lot of time together.
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New Year's Eve
Dobrze się bawiliśmy.
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We had A lot of fun.
Ona miała dużo pytań.
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She had a lot of questions.
a lot of sth / many sth
Czy on ma dużo pieniędzy?
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Does he have a lot of money?
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to count - counted - counted
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an exception
Ile zapłaciłaś za te spodnie?
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How much did you pay for these trousers?
Ile masz czasu?
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How much time do you have?
Ile czasu miałeś na zrobienie tego testu?
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How much time did you have to do this test?
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a tongue
robić postanowienia (np. noworoczne)
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to make resolutions
Nigdy nie odrabiam pracy domowej rano.
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I never do my homework in the morning.

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