Milena 27th Sept

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Domanda Risposta
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to spell
Can you spell your surname?
Zrób to sam
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DIY / do it yourself
a DIY shop
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a key
Próbuję znaleźć moje klucze.
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I'm trying to FIND my keys.
szukać czegoś
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to SEARCH for sth / look for sth
Szukam moich kluczy.
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I'm looking for my keys.
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Kolejka jest bardzo długa.
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The queue is very long. / The line is long.
Jak masz na imię?
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What's your first name?
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surname / family name / last name
F jak latać;D
H for Holland
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F for Fly
A for Anne
Pojechaliśmy na wycieczkę.
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We went on a trip.
Wróciliśmy o 6.
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We came back at 6.
i własnie dlatego
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and that's why
i dlatego nie musiałem odrobić pracy domowej
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and that's why I didn't have to do my homework
Byłem zajęty, dlatego nie miałem czasu pomóc mamie
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I was busy that's why I didn't have time to help my mum
napisz do mnie wiadomość
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text me / message me
call me / email me
to zależy
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it depends (on sth/sb)
It depends on the weather.
raz w miesiącu
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once a month
kilka razy w miesiącu
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a few times a month
kilka razy w roku
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a few times a year
Ona mieszka blisko Wilna.
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She lives close to Vilnius.
boisko szkolne
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a playground
Ile czasu tam spędziłeś?
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How much time did you spend there?
w sumie / całkowiecie
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in total

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