Milena 26th Sept

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Domanda Risposta
Mogłoby być lepiej.
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It could be better.
Ile ona ma pieniędzy?
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How much money DOES she have?
Co Twoja mama robi w wolnym czasie?
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What DOES your mum do in her free time?
Co chcesz robić w weekend?
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What DO you want to do on the weekend?
Nie kosztowało to dużo pieniędzy.
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It DIDN'T cost a lot of money.
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My shoes ARE uncomfortable.
Moje buty są takie niewygodne.
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My shoes ARE so uncomfortable.
W weekend zostałam w domu.
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On the weekend I stayed at home.
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zrobić ciasto
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to make a cake
do not say: do a cake
Zrobiłeś ciasto w sobotę?
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Did you make a cake on Saturday?
Ona nie zrobiła tego ciasta w sobotę, zrobiła je w niedzielę.
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She didn't make this cake on Saturday, she made it on Sunday.

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