Milena 1 2

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Domanda Risposta
sprytna próba
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nice try
nie bardzo
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not really
tak, pewnie
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yeah, right
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on my own
kiermasz szkolny
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school market
dzień wolny
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day off
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Czy możesz mi pomóc z sofą?
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Can you help me with the sofa, please?
Czy możesz mi pomóc przesunąć stolik?
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Can you move the coffee table, please?
Przykro mi, ale nie mogę. Jestem teraz zajęty
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I'm sorry. I can't. I am busy right now.
Nie ma problemu
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No problem
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Yes, of course
Czy pomóc ci przesunąć lampę?
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Can I help you with the lamp?
Czy potrzebujesz pomocy, aby przesunąć lampę?
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Do you need any help with the lamp

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