Midterm - part 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
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when fruit and vegetables are taken from trees and the ground
to carve
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to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from wood or stone
nomadic group
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people who move regularly, without fixed habitation
called into question
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​to doubt something
within earshot (of the music)
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near enough to hear somebody/something or to be heard
kick-start something
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to do something to help a process or project start more quickly
got swept up
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to be moved with a sudden movement
We all got swept up in the excitement
desired effect
fixed phrase - always together
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expected effect
in its infancy
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sth has only just started to develop
raczkujące, w powijakach
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the country's main draws
to _____an excuse
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to ____your word
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keep/ loose/ break
_____a party
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____a lie
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____ the scene
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_____ the queue
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don't ____ a clue
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___ a living
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bitterly disappointed
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strongly disappointed
come of age
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to become mature
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to able to state sth clearly
She's a little vague about her plans for next year
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being careful about your actions

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