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a meteorite / a meteor
szukać czegoś
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to search for sth
One time I searched for 5 days and didn't find anything.
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a race
skończony / tak, który kiedyś się skończy
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This problem has got a finite number of solutions. (NiV)
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a resource
It's a finite resource.
opłaca się, żeby coś zrobić
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it pays to do sth
myśliwy / ktoś, kto czegoś szuka lub na coś poluje / łowca
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a hunter
I'm a meteorite hunter.
ostrzegać kogoś / zaalarmować
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to alert sb
Usually I'm alerted that something has fallen.
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to fall - fell - fallen
kula ognia
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a fireball
Amerykańskie Stowarzyszenie Łowców Meteorytów
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American Meteorite Society
wykupić lot / przelot
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to book a flight
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a cane
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a magnet cane
stuknąć, puknąć (np. palcem)
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to tap
przyklejać się do czegoś
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to stick to sth
If they stick to the magnet, they should be meteorites.
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a shell
zewnętrzna skurupa
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an outer shell
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a collection
I have 500 meteorites in my personal collection.
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a billion
It's billions of years old.
układ słoneczny
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the solar system
to jest niesamowite
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it's insane
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wydawać pieniądze na coś
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to spend (money) on sth
Humans spend billions of dollars on these space programms.
próbka (kawałeczek czegoś)
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a sample
one spadają z nieba
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they fall from the sky

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