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wymazać z pamięci
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blot out, Becky really helped me blot out my fear of death.
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evoke, New virtual reality solutions at work evoke my interest.
wracać pamięcią
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reminisce, We're here to watch old photos, not reminisce.
stłumić uśmiech, stłumiona laktacja
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suppress a smile, supressed lactaction
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wspomnienia. Moje wspomnienia z dzieciństwa są bardzo mgliste.
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recollections, My recollections of my childhood are very hazy.
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evocative, Here's an example of how emotionally evocative English can be
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zapadający w pamięć
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on average, On average, women talk more than men.
być w łonie matki
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be in the womb
mgliste wspomnienia
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hazy memories, I only have a hazy memory of how she looked.
zaprzeczać, dementować oświadczenje
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contradict, contradict a statement
powracać, ożywiać wspomnienia
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come flooding back, The missing memories could come flooding back
mieć pamięć jak sito
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have a memory like a sieve
pobudzaj swoją pamięć
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jog your memory
znać coś na pamięć
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know sth by heart
łamać sobie głowę
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rack your brains, I've been racking my brain all day but I can't remember his name.
brzmieć znajomo
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ring a bell, Does this word ring a bell, miss?
przywoływac wspomnienia
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take sb back to, The smell of her house takes me back.
wycieczka w przeszłość
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a trip down memory lane, Thought we'd take a trip down memory lane.
trwała miłość
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abiding love
gorzkie wspomnienie
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bitter memory
wyraźne wspomnienie
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clear memory
trwały sojusz
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enduring alliance
wytrzymać, zniosłam wiele bólu przez te ostatnie kilka lat.
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endure, I endured a lot of pain during those last few years.
miłe wspomnienie
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fond memory
bolesne wspomnienie
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painful memory
niewyraźne wspomnienie
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vague memory, The detective had a vague description of the attacker.
żywe wspomnienie
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vivid memory, It is one of my most vivid memories.
zahamowana miesiączka
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suppressed menstruation
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pas ruchu, scieżka
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przyjeżdżać, wpadać
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come over, come around, Impossible for me to come over before.
krąg przyjaciół
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circle of friends
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puszek u ptaka
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down, Chicken's down is yellow
przywoływacz (duchów, bóstw)
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odbyta kara
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endured punishment
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neglect, He neglected his look after the divorce.
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spark, This argument sparked a heated discussion.
dla dobra postępu
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sake of progress

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