Meetings B2

 0    24 schede    jolantadertli
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stand for sth
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make a stink
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take strong and forceful action to show that you are not satisfied with a situation
train wreck
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a chaotic or disastrous situation
is right at your fingertips
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easily obtained
to get it done with
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finish completely so that you can continue doing other things
act out
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to perform sth as if you are in a play or film
go on
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to continue
dive in
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to start doing sth suddenly and energetically, often without stopping to think
pop up
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to suddenly appear
go up
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to be published online
send out
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to distribute (sth)
run through
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to be present in every part of sth
settle in
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to become familiar with somewhere new
get through
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to complete (a task, e.g. listening to all the participants at a meeting)
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a small partitioned area of an office containing a desk
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a disease that spreads rapidly and widely among the population in an area
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spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people
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not certain
an unproductive
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a global
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an involuntary
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a fundamental
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a thoughtful
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