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a damage or harm to a person inizia ad imparare
injuries caused by excess heat inizia ad imparare
a break in a bone initially treated by stabilizing the area with a splint inizia ad imparare
a long piece of wood or metal that is tied to a broken arm or leg to keep it still and in the right position inizia ad imparare
to put sb's leg in a splint
an injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels inizia ad imparare
a blockage of the airway that can quickly result in death due to lack of oxygen if the patient’s trachea is not cleared trachea = tchawica inizia ad imparare
a severe gastrointestinal disorder characterized by vomiting and diarrhoea caused by eating contaminated food inizia ad imparare
to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth inizia ad imparare
a condition characterised by inflammation of the appendix inizia ad imparare
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a damage to someone’s brain caused by blow or fall and which makes them lose consciousness, feel sick or confused inizia ad imparare
wstrząśnienie mózgu
losing too much water from your body so that you feel weak inizia ad imparare
a mental disorder where a person perceives things incorrectly, often imagining things that are not real inizia ad imparare
the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope inizia ad imparare
a medical emergency related to diabetes in which a person is unconscious inizia ad imparare
a medical condition which makes the patient produce a lot of urine and feel very thirsty inizia ad imparare
the sudden loss of all heart activity with possible symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, breathing problems, nausea, chest pain, heart palpitations, loss of consciousness inizia ad imparare
zatrzymanie akcji serca
a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise inizia ad imparare
a temporary feeling that your sense of balance is not good and that you may fall down inizia ad imparare
zawroty głowy He complained of headaches and dizziness.
discomfort in the chest, typically the front of the chest inizia ad imparare
a temporary loss of blood supply to the brain inizia ad imparare
a lump that is formed when blood dries or becomes thicker inizia ad imparare
the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system inizia ad imparare
something that is spread or that can be spread between people or animals inizia ad imparare
a sudden surge of abnormal electrical activity in the brain that can cause changes in behavior, movements, sensations, or awareness inizia ad imparare
atak / napad epileptyczny / padaczkowy
a sudden attack due to diesease or other health issue (usually relating to an epileptic fit or a sudden failure of the heart) inizia ad imparare
a feeling of sickness or disgust that makes the person want to vomit inizia ad imparare
frequent soft or loose bowel movements inizia ad imparare
a state of being disabled, or unable to move or function inizia ad imparare
that does not respond to a stimulation inizia ad imparare
a temporary disruption of bodily rhythms caused by high-speed travel across several time zones typically in a jet aircraft inizia ad imparare
the state of not being awake and not alert to what is going on around you inizia ad imparare
the quality of being unwilling or unable to stay still or to be quiet and calm, because you are worried or bored niepokój / nerwowość inizia ad imparare
a condition where not enough oxygen makes it to the cells and tissues in the body with the early signs of anxiety, confusion, and restlessness (adj hypotensive) inizia ad imparare
hipoksja, niedotlenienie
feeling of difficulty or discomfort in breathing, often described as a sensation of being unable to get enough air inizia ad imparare
płytki oddech
a serious medical emergency in which the supply of blood to heart is blocked usually by a blood clot; possible symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, anxiety inizia ad imparare
To begin the process of childbirth or to assist in delivering a baby inizia ad imparare
to give birth to a baby / to go into labour / to deliver a baby
A woman experiencing contractions and preparing to give birth inizia ad imparare
The initial stages of childbirth inizia ad imparare
The final phase of pregnancy before giving birth inizia ad imparare
A female individual who is carrying a developing baby inizia ad imparare
To perform chest compressions and rescue breathing to revive someone inizia ad imparare
An injury to the head that may cause harm to the brain or skull inizia ad imparare
Being (un)aware of surroundings or able to respond inizia ad imparare
Being (not) awake or alert inizia ad imparare
A difficulty or issue with inhaling or exhaling inizia ad imparare
To lose awareness or responsiveness, or to regain it after being unconscious inizia ad imparare
to lose / to regain consciousness