Means of transport in Portuguese

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means of transport
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meios de transporte (
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autocarro (m.)
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comboio (m.)
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eléctrico (m.)
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carro (m.)
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navio (m.)
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bicicleta (f.)
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motocicleta (f.)
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táxi (m.)
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avião (m.)

Study Means of transport in Portuguese

Develop your vocabulary in Portuguese and start with Means of transport! VocApp uses the multisensory flashcards to make you study Means of transport in Portuguese in the shortest time possible! Audio recordings let you get the right |correct pronunciation of a given word, and images will get Means of transport in Portuguese into one's head for good! Did you know the spelling of Means of transport in Portuguese too? Look up the answer in our lesson Means of transport in Portuguese and learn other wordsin Portuguese!

Motivation to master Portuguese

Learning Portuguese will let you watch movies in the original version and simply make you smarter! What's more you will get to impress your colleagues by speaking Portuguese! If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Learning a new language is certainly not so common. You could achieve a respectable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Portuguese efficiently

The key to success is to revise vocabulary often but not too often. Our language learning application will take care of it by scheduling repetitions of the words in Portuguese you did not know, making you remember more in less time!

Learn Portuguese fast and efficiently!

If you feel shy while speaking in Portuguese, why don't you take a look at our courses and gain the confidence by studying Portuguese daily!

Take a look at our other Portuguese lessons

Have you taken a look at our Portuguese language courses? If you liked this lesson, you might want to try our professional flashcards sets created by native speakers! If you liked our lesson Means of transport in Portuguese, we are pretty sure you can benefit from the other ones too. Don't forget to check our other lessons on Portuguese language.

Flashcards will definitely make you easily build up your vocabulary and Portuguese skills.

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