May 11 100%

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Domanda Risposta
Twoja waga jest zepsuta
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Your scale is broken
odebrać bagaż
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pick up luggage
Znalazłam ludzką kość
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I found a human bone
Jakie są pani dochody?
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What's your income?
wyciąg z konta bankowego
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Bank statement
Mam katar
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I have a runny nose
Czy powinnam przyjść jeszcze raz?
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Should I come again?
Mam dla ciebie tabletki
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I have pills for you
Co rozumiesz przez słowo...?
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What do you mean by the word...?
Zgubiłam portfel
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I lost my wallet
Nie wiem gdzie to zrobiłam
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I don't know where I did it
Będziemy robili śledztwo
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We'll do an investigation

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