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Don't be too hard on them - they're just kids and they need to cut loose sometimes. inizia ad imparare
zachowywać się w niekontrolowany sposób
In the backseat of a moving car, I am cut loose from the city. inizia ad imparare
The night has gilded the skyscrapers in silver. inizia ad imparare
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Something goes clank in the night, and the sound is close enough to a gunshot to take me back to the beginning. inizia ad imparare
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kiepski, stary dywan
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Even at a party they have to talk shop! inizia ad imparare
rozmawiać o pracy nawet poza nią
The police are arresting the small-timers when they should be going for the ringleaders. inizia ad imparare
rzezimieszek (bandyta niskiego szczebla)
He's been a bit blue since she left him. inizia ad imparare
smutny lub wyrażający smutek
eartbeat under the tires. My squinted eyes in the rearview mirror. inizia ad imparare
eartbeat under the tires. My squinted eyes in the rearview mirror. inizia ad imparare
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rising nausea that tastes like rust in my mouth. inizia ad imparare
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He had a strange foreboding (that) something would go wrong. inizia ad imparare
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That was three years ago. Everything ripped apart in a New York minute. inizia ad imparare
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Outside, the Mercury was falling fast. inizia ad imparare
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This armed thugs just appeared out of nowhere, we need to get help. inizia ad imparare
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The door has been welded shut ages ago, and the bomb was missing a detonator. inizia ad imparare
She entered the vault with an armes guard. inizia ad imparare
being placed at the scene of a bank robbery wouldn’t have tipped the odds in my favor. inizia ad imparare
Alex can’t get past a locked gate. inizia ad imparare
what the hell’s going on here? There are more corpses here than at the city morgue. inizia ad imparare
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I walked straight in, playing it Bogart inizia ad imparare
raczej w stylu noir, literacko
The doors slammed shut behind me. inizia ad imparare
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he was a high strung whiner. inizia ad imparare
nerwowy, napięty, gorączkowy
on the verge of breaking apart inizia ad imparare
A highstrung whiner on the verge of breaking apart like an overamped Energizer bunny. inizia ad imparare
He takes his frustration out on under aged addicts and call girls. inizia ad imparare
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agent has been shot repeatedly from a point blank range. inizia ad imparare
The Valkyr Crisis worsens with the murder of DEA special agent. inizia ad imparare
The noose is sure to tighten around this fugitive criminal. inizia ad imparare
apprehend (arrest, seize) formal The police have finally apprehended the killer. inizia ad imparare
aresztować (aresztować, przejąć)
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automat z napojami / słodyczami etc.
to have hard time dealing with sth A thug is having a hard time getting up from a vending machine. inizia ad imparare
mieć trudności z radzeniem sobie z czymś
Tonight, the City’s fight against the nightmare drug, Valkyr, took a turn dor the worst, as DEA special agent Alex Balder was found brutally slain at the Roscoe Street Subway station. inizia ad imparare
take a turn for the worse inizia ad imparare
The worst winter storm in recorded history continues to pound the city. inizia ad imparare
a person who is guilty of a serious crime inizia ad imparare
Max crumples up the letter into a ball and tosses it. inizia ad imparare
The trouble you got into after the Chicago screw-up, the Puchinello family bailed you out. inizia ad imparare
Zgło potów, w które wpakowałeś się po Chicago, rodzina Puchinello cię wykupiła.
when you shot the furnace, the three guys downstairs talk about it after they see it fall inizia ad imparare
idiom The fire started deep in the bowels of the ship. The old service elevator rumbled down to the bowels of a hotel. inizia ad imparare
The severe blizzard has revaged New York for three days now with no end in sight. inizia ad imparare
the severe blizzard revages New York inizia ad imparare
but the snowbound city was on my side. inizia ad imparare
zaśnieżony (unieruchomiony przez śnieg) o ludziach i rzeczach zwyczajnie przykryty sniegiem to „snowy”
Less chance of innocent bystanders getting caught in the crossfire inizia ad imparare
przechodzień, przypadkowy świadek Mniejsza szansa, że przypadkowy przechodzień znajdzie się na linii ognia.
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The transparent cylinders glows green, full of Valkyr inizia ad imparare
Przeźroczyste cykindry połyskiwały, pełne Valkyrii.
I strangled them both with the videogame cables. inizia ad imparare
The word was out, a deadly virus released into the city’s corrupt circulatory system inizia ad imparare
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A liquor store, a pawn shop, a laundromat full of mobster bookies and loan sharks. inizia ad imparare
Lupino's tenement buildings were a seedy hangout for all kinds of sleaze. A liquor store, a pawn shop, a laundromat full of mobster bookies and loan sharks. inizia ad imparare
a place where someone spends a lot of time, or where someone lives. The café is a favourite hangout of artists.
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The ringing in my ears was the sound of a mob war being waged. inizia ad imparare
The ringing in my ears was the sound of a mob war being waged. inizia ad imparare
Jack Lupino’s suite was on the top foor. inizia ad imparare
The goons inside were spooked, but luck always come with a price tag. More bombs could still be ticking inside, and the cops would already be on their way. inizia ad imparare
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to fix a piece of equipment in place The whole building was rigged with explosives. inizia ad imparare
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A locked door barred my way. inizia ad imparare
I'm freezing my butt off. inizia ad imparare
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I had already ditched the cops, a couple of rooftops back. inizia ad imparare
to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted
they will need a forklift to carry the coffin to the grave. inizia ad imparare
trouble had come to me in the big dark swarms. inizia ad imparare
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When vile crimes were rampant and all humanity lost. inizia ad imparare
impressionable (often disapproving) I could see how somebody impressionable might get it into their head that we were at the end of time. inizia ad imparare
easily influenced by other people, especially because you are young. He's at that impressionable age when he's very easily led by other children.
Lupino lurked somewhere ahead, like a spider at the center of his web, waiting. inizia ad imparare
The vapors in the air started to make my head swim inizia ad imparare
Punchinello has threatened Lupino in writing. The note had been torn to pieces, bloody fingerprints all over them. inizia ad imparare
The Trio were the Don's notorious henchmen. It was obvious that Lupino hadn't been intimidated by the threat. inizia ad imparare
It was obvious that Lupino hadn’t been intimidated by the threat inizia ad imparare
After y2k the end of the world has become a cliche inizia ad imparare
I wish she wouldn't sit brooding in her room all day. inizia ad imparare
to think for a long time about things that make you sad, worried, or angry
humorous: a young woman who is in trouble and needs a man's help Lisa is the damsel in distress. I’m the professional. I’d blow you away without batting an eye. inizia ad imparare
dziewczyna w niebezpieczeństwie
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Valhalla? I tried to tell Max about it but he was busy. That cute frown on his brow. Guess it's nothing, just a mix-up at the courier service..." inizia ad imparare
Will their good intentions become realities or are they just hollow promises? inizia ad imparare
She was badly bruised but otherwise unhurt. inizia ad imparare
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rust had crept over the sides of the cargo steamer a long time ago. inizia ad imparare
Punchinello was burning to get me. The feeling was mutual. He was trying to put out my flames with gasoline inizia ad imparare
when this is over, look me up. inizia ad imparare
The night groaned with cold. inizia ad imparare
rap sheet = criminal record inizia ad imparare
arkusz rapu = rejestr karny
to get a kick out of something The sick bastard had really gotten a kick out of it. (seeing dead Lisa Puchinello) inizia ad imparare
mieć z czegoś ubaw/przyjemność (slang)
Puchinello was a pushover. inizia ad imparare
The moment I stepped into the room he folded like a deuce before a royal flush. inizia ad imparare
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The moment I stepped into the room he folded like a deuce before a royal flush inizia ad imparare
W momencie, gdy wszedłem do pokoju, zwinął się jak dwójka przed królewskim pokerem.
She was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass. But I wasn’t selling any. inizia ad imparare
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kill two birds with one stone inizia ad imparare
Zabij dwa ptaki jednym kamieniem
the floor turned into a vortex of green blood. inizia ad imparare
He just can't snap out of the depression he's had since his wife died. inizia ad imparare
wyrwać się z czegoś (ze smutku)
slowly the green nightmare faded, leaving dark stains on my soul that would never come off. inizia ad imparare
dawać się zdejmować/spadać
I woke up in a cold sweat, sick and tired to the bone, lying in a puddle of my own puke. inizia ad imparare
It took me forever to crawl back to my feet and hit the road, but when I did, I drove straight to Cold steel Foundry outside the city. inizia ad imparare
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the factility has been compromised inizia ad imparare
funkcjonalność została naruszona
Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices. inizia ad imparare
How to turn off that small voice inside your head that started to whipser that you should be glad... that now, if not before your revenge was justifiable on any conceivable moral scale. inizia ad imparare
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Jack couldn't have framed you, not the state he was in. inizia ad imparare
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I had no recollection of setting any fires, but I did remember the flames. inizia ad imparare
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Nicole Horne is the President of Aesir Corporation. She has more than half the city in her pocket. This must be kept under wraps. inizia ad imparare
That was a cue for the killer suits. inizia ad imparare
wskazówka, znak dla kogoś
looking smug among his dead pals. She deserved her promotion, but I wish she wasn’t so smug sbout it. inizia ad imparare
zadowolony z siebie (ciut próżny)
... and what is your answe to those saying that he is actually providing a service long overdue to the city? inizia ad imparare
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If someone's manner or speech is curt, it is rude as a result of being very quick
If you look an the duty roster, you’ll see when you are working. inizia ad imparare
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... but I had a feeling that when this was all over any collateral would come in handy. inizia ad imparare