TO have - unit 4

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Domanda Risposta
Ja mam Iphona (hef)
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Ty masz samochód
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You have got a car
On ma mleko (hes)
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He has got milk
Ona ma psa (hes)
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She has got a dog
My mamy dom (hef)
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We have got a house
Wy macie pociąg (hef)
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You have got a train
Oni mają czas (HEF_ajstos)
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They have got time
Ja nie mam długich nóg
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I haven't got long legs
Ty nie masz samochodu
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You haven't got a car
Ona nie ma kręconych włosów
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She hasn't got curly hair
My nie mamy nastroszonych włosów
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We haven't got spiky hair
Czy ty masz czas?
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Have you got time?
Czy ona ma przyjaciółkę?
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Has she got a friend?
Czy my mamy samochód?
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Have we got a car?
Czy oni mają długie włosy?
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Have they got a long hair?

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