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 0    23 schede    wiktoriaklimaszewska
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In my judgment...
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Moim zdaniem
In my opinion
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Moim zdaniem
I get the impresion that
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Odnoszę wrażenie, że...
When it comes to me
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Jeśli chodzi o mnie
In answer to your question...
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W odpowiedzi na to pytanie...
I couldn't agree more!
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I z tym nie zgodzić!
I'm of the same opinion.
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Jestem tego samego zdania.
To be honest...
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Jeśli mam być szczera...
That's a valid point, but...
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To ważna uwaga, ale...
At the first glimpse...
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Na pierwszy rzut oka...
In the foreground we can see...
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Na pierwszym planie widzimy...
At the background we can see...
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W tle widzimy...
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Poza tym...
Can you repeat, please?
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Można powtórzyć, proszę?
Can you transform the question?
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Czy możesz przekształcić pytanie?
On the left...
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Po lewej...
On the right...
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Po prawej...
He seems to be...
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On wydaje się być...
I like that idea, but...
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Podoba mi się ten pomysł, ale...
You are absolutly right.
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Masz absolutną rację.
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farewell dinner
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pożegnalna kolacja
I choose the second picture, becouse...
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Wybieram drugie zdjęcie, ponieważ...

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