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Myślisz, że mógłbym
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Do you think I could?
bardzo bym chciał, ale
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I’d love to, but
Bardzo mi przykro, że
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I’m really sorry that
chcialbym ci pogratulowac
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I’d like to congratulate you on...
powodzenia w
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Good luck with
a moze moglibym
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Maybe I could
A może moglibyśmy
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Perhaps we could
A gdyby tak?
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How about?
Masz czas w...?
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Are you free on...?
Chciałbym cie zaprosić na
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I’d like to invite you to...
Bardzo sie na to ciesze
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I'm really looking forward to it
Możesz też...
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Another thing to do is...
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Try to...
Upewnij sie, że
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Make sure that
Lepiej jest...
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It’s better to...
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I’m going to...
Właśnie mam...
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I’m about to...
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I’ve decided to...
Poczatkowo myslalam o... ale...
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At first, I was thinking about... but...
Pierwotnie zamierzałem... ale...
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My initial plan was to... but...
Nie mogłam zdecydowac sie na wybor miedzy...a
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I couldn't decide between... and
Mam nadzieje
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I’m hoping to
Bardzo bym chcial
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I’d really love to
Bardzo ciesze sie na
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I’m really looking forward to...
Najpierw... a potem
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First... and then
Po krotkiej chwili
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After a little while
At that moment
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At that moment
na szczescie
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nigdy nje zapomne
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I’ll never forget
Główną zaletą jest
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The main benefit is...
na korzysc mozna zakiczyc to, ze
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On the plus side...
Minusem ... jest...
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The downside of ... is...
Inny negatywny aspekt to
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Another negative aspect is
Polecam go
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I recommend it to anyone who likes
Bylem pod wrazeniem
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I was impressed by
Mam mieszane uczycia jesli chodzi o
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I have mixed feelings about
Myśle ze
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I think that
nie sadze zeby
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I don't think so
Wedlug mnie
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To my mind
Jestem przekonany ze
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It is my firm belief that
Wydaje mi sie ze
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It seems to me
Jedna z zalet
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One of the advantages
nie tylko to, lecz takze
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not only that, but
warto takze rozwazyc
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It is also worth considering
Na przyklad
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for example
jednym z powodow jest
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one of the reasons is
to przedstawia
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this represents
ja zrobilam
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I did
Zachecam cie zebys wzial udzial w
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I encourage you to take part in
pomoge ci sie przygotowac robiac
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I will help you prepare by doing
postanowilam zmienic
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I decided to change
zdecydowałam pojechac
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I decided to go
zachecam zebys
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I encourage you to

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