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Domanda Risposta
speech impediment
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wada wymowy
to stutter
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jąkać się
so many people
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tak dużo ludzi
to commute to work
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dojeżdżać do pracy
less traffic
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mniejszy ruch
busier street
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bardziej ruchliwa ulica
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pointless / purposeful
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on foot
I always go to school on foot.
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Zawsze idę do szkoły pieszo.
They shout at one another (more than two people).
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Krzyczą na siebie nawzajem (więcej niż dwie osoby).
They shout at each other (two people).
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Krzyczą na siebie nawzajem (dwie osoby).
ON the bus / train / tram / plane
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W autobusie/pociągu/tramwaju/samolocie
to prevent a situation from happening
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aby zapobiec sytuacji
AT the class
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W klasie
on holiday (without the -s ending)
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na wakacjach (bez końcówki -s)
to dodge the ball
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aby uniknąć piłki
to dodge the question
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uchylić się od pytania
muscular arms
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muskularne ramiona

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