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Domanda Risposta
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life choices
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wybory życiowe
to spend money ON
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wydawać pieniądze NA
the company policy
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Polityka firmy
to interrupt a conversation
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przerwać rozmowę
What does it involve?
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Na czym to polega?
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I would never do it again.
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Nigdy więcej tego nie zrobię.
catchy slogan
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chwytliwy slogan
ALL the leaders
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WSZYSCY liderzy
the WHOLE story
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CAŁA historia
to command attention
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zwracać uwagę
to draw / to attract a person's attention
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przyciągać czyjąś uwagę
to fill in forms
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do wypełniania formularzy
What makes you tick?
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what makes somebody behave in the way that they do

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